My thoughts


I wish the world was more like a yarn store, but it’s not. Yes a yarn store, you wanna know why? Well in a yarn store ALL yarn is welcome. All colors, all sizes, all material and name brands in the same place at the same time and no drama.

The fingering weight doesn’t fight and/or kill the worsted weight and guess what? You can use both to make socks if you want. If you opt to knit or crochet with acrylic vs wool, that’s absolutely fine. There are no rules and their is room for every skein/fiber content.

I will be 50 in a few weeks and I never ever thought I would live in the world we are in right now. I never thought I would be in a space where folks looked at me and didn’t notice my smile FIRST. I never thought I would have to be afraid simply because I am different. That was then right? I mean it’s history and times are better right? I will simply say this …I wish I could wrap the world in yarn but I can’t, so keep everyone safe.

Knit on my fiber friends…knit on


40 thoughts on “My thoughts”

    1. Canada has similar problems. They just don’t talk about it as openly. We’ve experienced this personally. You’ve hit it right on the needle GG.

  1. I so wish I could be there so we could hug, and have tea, and KNITKNITKNITKNIT together. And knit it public, together, a whole bunch of public knitters having fun and making beautiful things and feelings and memories. Thanks for this post, I’ve been feeling so mournful for the world that could be, that should be. There are so many more good folks in the world than bad and it’s too damn bad the nasty ones get all the attention.

  2. Love you! Love your thoughts! ❤️❤️ Love yarn & knitting & crocheting! Yes, the world should be like a yarn store–all types loved & accepted for who they are. I shouldn’t have to explain why I like a certain yarn (person). (As a pale white woman, I covet your dark skin–I got a sunburn 4 weeks ago. It went into sun poisoning with a rash & blisters & I’m still peeling! I’ve wanted dark skin since I was a young kid, not only for not burning but also because it’s beautiful.) Knit on, dear GG! Knit on!

  3. Amen! I think each of us needs to look inside ourselves to see how to make the world a better place. Even small gestures can change the world ( or at least how another person see the world). Yarn stores are safe havens for me too!

  4. Baikey-Kristoff Allen

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful words. I’m so glad to know that there are more people, who think like me in this mean, cruel world in which we live.

  5. It hurts me to see all this craziness..
    People are now having to pick sides, no more neutral ground.
    I want to be friends and love WHOEVER I WANT..
    I hope it stops soon..
    Love you GG xoxo

  6. Amen. Come on people, we have BIG problems…too many people on a finite planet. The solution is not more violence. We all make it, or none of us do.
    Love you

  7. Yes! And in a LYS, yarns of different origins rest happily side by side. Noro from Japan. Shetland from Britain, lopi from Iceland, and lovely colors and textures from Italy, Turkey AND all over the US and beyond – all so we can make beautiful things with our skill that originated, like the human species, in Africa.

  8. I love your analogy. We do live in a strange, experimental world right now. One that manipulates people’s deepest fears and makes strangers of us all. Thank goodness for yarn!

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