5 Gifts for the Crafty Mom on Mother’s day


Mother’s day is around the corner and that means you need a gift for Mom. Are you clear out of ideas? Would you like to get something she would really love? Is she a knitter or crocheter? Well from this crafty mom comes a list of 5 things I would love to get as a gift. LOL so I am sure your crafty mom would love them as well. In my opinion the best gift isn’t about the amount of money spent, but more about the amount of thought and love used to select said gift. 

5 Gifts for your crafty mom



  1. All expense paid trip to her favorite fiber festival and don’t forget to throw in some spending money. To really make this gift special go with her. Here are a few that are coming up. I also added a link to worldwide events so no matter where you are, you can find an event for your Mom


Rhinebeck for Mom day gift


2. Gift card to her favorite craft related store. I say a gift card because if you don’t know her yarn preferences, this is the safest bet. If you don’t have a local store near you, go online to some of the popular online retailers


  • Fringe Supply Cothis place has the coolest gifts for makers 
  • Websanother online dream, yarn, tools, classes…you name it


3. Jewelry that represents her craft. This gift screams I am paying attention Mom!



4. A kit that includes all she needs to create a project for herself. Below are a few places that sells kits

5. A craft related accessory. You can find t-shirts, mugs, project bags with catchy phrases, like the ones I offer. Yup shameless plug. LOL!

I have enough

Bonus gifts

As you can see the options are endless. I mean you can get a subscription box that will get her yarn every month. There are so many subscriptions out there now, the only one I have tried is Yarnbox.  Don’t forget tools like the Gleener I just reviewed in my last blog post. She will be able to keep her handmade items looking new as well as anything else that has annoying lint. 


If you know of any other options that you would like to suggest, list them in the comments. As always thanks for reading, commenting and sharing.

Knit on my fiber friend…. knit on



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