I finally finished|the tale of the baby blanket

Me and a baby blanket just don’t mix. I cringe when someone requests a blanket and I don’t recall when this started.

When my only craft was crochet, I was the baby blanket queen. I mean it was a family tradition, just about all the kids have a handmade blanket. Let me clarify, they have a crocheted blanket, there is a rare few that own a knitted blanket from me. Baby blanket

The current baby blanket

This blanket exist solely because I love my kid, PERIOD! Her BFF just gave birth to the cutest little dude ever..so I had to make something. I wanted to go the route of a hat, booties even, but nope, the kid was specific. She wanted a blanket. Why sweet Jesus? Yes that is what my soul cried, even yelled..because NO!

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I started this project on Feb 10th, what’s the date today? Grrrrrrr! Why did it take over a month? Why?  It’s pretty though, right? Lol, I love the final project but why must I take so long?

Baby blanket


Pattern: Pine Forest Baby Blanket 

Yarn: Juniper Moon Farm Sabine

Note: this yarn is discontinued. I have had it in my stash for bit. It is a 40/30/30 blend of cotton, merino and llama

Thoughts: it’s a great beginner lace project, with an easy 4 four repeat. I only ripped out once. I recommend this pattern. If your are into making BBs lol

Knit on my fiber friends…knit on


Wool Yarn from Knit Picks

5 thoughts on “I finally finished|the tale of the baby blanket”

  1. It’s beautiful! You do such great work, GG. One thought: perhaps in future if you’re asked for a BB, you could crochet it? If you are much faster at crocheting, is there any reason you couldn’t?

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