54 Things You May or May Not Know About GG

Today I turn 54 years old. It’s 12:01 midnight and I still wait for my Mom and my bonus Dad to try to beat each other being the first one to call with birthday love. So in order to derail these tears, I am going to share fifty four things about me.

  1. My first boat ride was because there was a flood on our street and the fire department had to come get us.
  2. I was born with my thumb in my mouth.
  3. My mom and my bonus dad died on the same day 5 years apart.
  4. 2012 I lost my dad, my mom and my job in under 3 months.
  5. I am still close to my first friend. We have been bffs since we were 5 years old.
  6.  I cry everyday, sometimes just for a few minutes and other times, well…I cry. Grieving has no expiration date.
  7. There is such a thing as too much yarn but so what
  8. I wish I was taught to manage money as a young adult
  9. I use to go out of my way to please folks..make sure they were happy before I even considered myself.
  10. I have learned that just because YOU are a friend, doesn’t mean you have a friend
  11. I make a mean sweet potato pie (my Moma taught me)
  12. My first concert was The Jackson Five
  13. There is life after losing a job, a parent, or a love. GGmadeit has dual meaning
  14. I take so many selfies because for more than half my life I didn’t think I was pretty
  15. I was always ashamed of my dark skin
  16. Love my dark skin so much NOW
  17. I sucked my thumb until I was 18 years old
  18. I don’t eat collard greens. Yes I am black
  19. If you want me to do something tell me I can’t do it
  20. I dread the 4th of July and Labor Day because I never had a large family
  21. Now that my parents are gone, I fake my way through Thanksgiving and Christmas
  22. I am afraid of growing old alone
  23. Yes everything has to be orange. LOL
  24. My grandmother is the reason I am who I am. She taught me to have integrity, to laugh, to love, and to react to my name only. She reinforced that I am not any of the names I was called (fatso, blackie, 4eyes) I am Gaye Glasspie, PERIOD
  25. I helped raise close to 70K dollars in less than 2 months
  26. Who walked the runway for the first time ever? *raises hand*
  27. All the posts you all love the most, is me talking to myself
  28. I wish I had a better relationship with my dad (RIP)
  29. My best creation yet is Shelbey Monae
  30. After my cancer scare, I didn’t think I would make it 54
  31. When I was a kid my grandmother always took me to see the Rockettes
  32. I am single and for the first time ever I am comfy with being by myself. It took all this time for me to realize that I need to like/love me before anyone else
  33. I know for a fact that every opportunity in life teaches you 2 things: what to do and what not to do
  34.  I love everyone first. I like to love, I like to help, but do NOT, I repeat DO NOT PISS ME OFF
  35. 24 without Jack Bauer is NOT 24 PERIOD
  36. Anytime I watch Golden Girls I laugh/cry because that was my grandmother’s favorite show. I miss that lady
  37. I hate taking my car to the mechanic, that was my dad’s job
  38. I am such a procrastinator
  39.  I have never smoked, done drugs and never will
  40. I had 1 fight in my life and that was because I was afraid of my mother 😂 I’d fight a brick before I got in trouble on purpose
  41. Although orange is my favorite color, I was afraid to wear it because I was always told I was too dark.. I think you know I got over that nonsense.
  42. I like spinach dip but won’t eat spinach
  43. I watched both my parents take their last breath. A sight can never unsee
  44. Every time there is a full moon, I am so sure my mommy is watching me
  45. I fell and broke my finger but I didn’t have insurance so it’s not straight
  46. I know avoiding situations I am afraid of doesn’t make them go away, but I avoid anyway
  47. I know folks are always watching you so I always behave in a way that would make my Moma proud
  48. I always make too much spaghetti because it’s so much better the next day
  49. My ideal day is spent surrounded by love and yarn
  50. I am a published writer
  51. I cry when I watch national geographic
  52. I hate deadlines. I work best when I can just flow. That’s why I avoid knit along
  53. I work best under pressure
  54. I named my daughter Shelbey after the character from Steel Magnolias

Thank you all for being here
Have a fabulous day on purpose


50 thoughts on “54 Things You May or May Not Know About GG”

  1. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us!! I agree that you are BEAUTIFUL!! Many of the things you listed (but not all) also apply to me. I enjoy having things in common with exceptional people–and YOU are one exceptional person!! I think it is the “ON PURPOSE” way you life you life that most exemplifies your exceptionality. I love you, although I have not met you in the flesh–we certainly HAVE met!! <3

    1. What a great reflective way to celebrate your birthday. You share so much of yourself with us, it is a gift, you are a gift. I’m sure everyone could relate to your list in some way. I have lost both my parents, but nothing compares to losing a twin sister way too soon. I cry everyday.
      On that note…
      I hope you had a wonderful birthday and everyday, “on purpose”.

  2. GG thanks for sharing! Regarding #28 I wish I had a better relationship with my dad (RIP)–when my stepfather died I saw a therapist because my migraines got a lot worse. He suggested I use my journal to write a letter to my dad. I decided to write both to my stepfather and my biodad, who deserted me and my mother right before my 2nd birthday. The letter to my stepfather didn’t really end up being important, because we had worked through all our issues while he lived with us for six weeks before his death. But while writing to biodad I had a strong feeling of connection. While I was writing I remembered that after my aunt, his sister, died that one of the cousins and said she found some letters for me among her mother’s papers. I immediately emailed my cousin (at 2:00 am!) and the next day she confirmed she had the letters still. My husband and I drove across town and got them from her. They turned out to be two years’ worth of letters biodad had written to his mother after he ran away from home at age 15 to become a jazz musician. This was in 1944. These letters gave me an insight into biodad that I could never have had from people telling me anecdotes about him. I could better understand his motivations and saw that leaving my mother and me was just part of a flaw in his personality where he put music ahead of everything, including people. And at the bottom of the letters there was one his mother had written to my aunt where she described going to visit my parents and seeing “baby Tanny.” So it tied me into the letters in a way. If you have an interest in improving your relationship with your dad this could also work for you.

  3. Wishing an amazingly happy birthday to an amazing human. You bring so much love to everything you say and do. God bless

  4. Happy birthday, GG! Thank you for sharing yourself with us. I see such a beautiful soul in you and I am so glad you have embraced your love of orange because it is beautiful on you. Some of your experiences made me tear up, especially with witnessing your parents’ last breath. I was there when my dad took his last breath, his head in my hands trying to make him more comfortable and you are right, that never leaves you. Many many blessings you!

  5. Happy Birthday GG! Enjoy your day! Feel free to join me and my family this year for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thoughts of you feeling alone bring me to tears. Seriously! I feel like your spiritual sister!

  6. Happy, happy birthday! I really laughed at number 34– that is so me! Love you, GG! What a generous and brilliant idea to share and celebrate you in this way! ❤🎉❤🎂❤🎈❤

  7. GG, I do appreciate your 54 things. Happy Birthday!
    We have 2 birthdays this week in my family, one of my daughters, and my daughter- in – law. Hard not to see them because of damn Covid!
    Anyway, I’m hoping you get to see your darling Shelbey!

  8. Happy Birthday GG!!!! 🧡🧡🧡 I connected on so many of your 54 things. Thank you for sharing. I did not eat greens until maybe in the last 20 years and I am 64 🤣 But I am choosy, you too may find some that you like. Keep being the amazing GG !!!

  9. You are beautiful and courageous. Thank you for sharing so much with us. Reading your journey makes me feel connected. I had a rough year, 1992, where I lost my son and mother in 6 months time. That takes some time to recover from. I’m still working on it. Grief evolves but doesn’t leave. Happy Birthday.

  10. I just read this again, (2nd time)
    We are the same age , although im a May baby so a few months older
    I loved reading this and getting to know u!
    And even tho we have never met i just want to hug you. ( hope that doesnt sound creepy) xo

  11. Wow, GG. We have some things in common. Grief, cancer scare, feelings…I really appreciate knowing that we have people in the world we may never have met but who share similar experiences and values. Belated happy birthday!

  12. Kristen Stevens

    I read so many of these that we have in common. Today is my Mom’s birthday and I still want to hear the call. She has been gone 20 years. I owe who I am to my Aunt she told me I wasnt what people called me either (4 eyes, handmedown, daddyless) And believe it or not I named my daughter Shelby for the same reason. It is funny as we get older the pain is still there but we have learned from it all. I know this a belated birthday wish but I wish for you joy.

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