About those knitted converse sneakers…

Yesterday, while in the mall browsing with Shelbey I came across the knitted sneakers I had seen on the web and lost all of my mind. I was happy and then instantly sad, they didn’t have my size ;/


after trying to find out where I could find my size I learned they only had these because someone returned them. The store doesn’t carry these normally. *insert sad face* So I take the picture, post it on Instagram, Facebook  and send it to Shelbey (she is in a different store) and she is all “MOMMY!! you have to have those, like did you ask them to call another store?” as she drags me back to the store. When did the roles change?  Anyway we leave the mall with out them and I am super sad.

Here is why I love my fans/followers, my FB and IG feeds were blowing up, Everyone is posting links so I can order them and one even said she got them from Macy’s. Wait, WHAT? I was just in the mall  and it’s Sunday so…oh dang I don’t do waiting well, but I will wait till…aww man Juno is coming tomorrow, the dang blizzard of all blizzards according the ALL the news. *heavy sigh*

Well me being who I am, stalked the weather channel and found that I had a window of opportunity in the morning. Juno isn’t set to arrive until later in the day, so I get up and am waiting for Macy’s to open the dang door and give me my knitted chucks 😛

The first pair I spotted were these


but I wanted the hightops. Wait so can I tell you that when I saw the pic on line I though the knit pattern was printed on the canvas,and thought they were nice, but I wasn’t pressed to get them.  When I had those babies in my hands yesterday..and realized it was actually knitted on the canvas I HAD to have them ASAP!!  So imagine my sheer joy when I found them today


Here is a close up so you can see why I was about to have an orgasm in Macy’s shoe department. LOL! IMG_3524I am so in love guys. I got some waterproof stuff so I can keep them nice and of course I need a hat and scarf to match. Here is the photo shoot, hahahahahahahahaaa


IMG_3519  IMG_3523

Now I will knit and pray my baby gets home before Juno arrives. If you are in the path of this beast, please be safe.

12 thoughts on “About those knitted converse sneakers…”

  1. I’m glad I could help….I’m Gracey here, but I posted in Facebook with my real name…yeah they are all kinds of awesome…I did not get the weatherproofing stuff though…I’ll have to look into that….

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