Gaye Glasspie

I am a confessed yarn addict, who also happens to be the mom of a beautiful, almost 21 year old, young lady. Welcome to my fiber diary. Come along with me as I obsess over all things fiber :). Contact me on and most importantly, thanks for visiting :)

Body Conscious | Does Your Body Drive Your Pattern Choices

This body is mine. I was today years old when I decided to accept that fact. What does this have to do with pattern decisions GG? Is that your question? Well my answer is EVERYTHING! As you know I am blessed in the chest AND I could stand to lose a pound or two…so once […]

Body Conscious | Does Your Body Drive Your Pattern Choices Read More »

My Thoughts On This Thursday |Will I Ever Be Comfortable?

My thoughts on this Thursday are specific to our fiber community. As I have said before, Black wave part 2 is powerful. This wave of followers and attention has all but crippled me. Let me explain these thoughts in more detail. It’s obvious that I am Black in a predominately white fiber industry. Once again

My Thoughts On This Thursday |Will I Ever Be Comfortable? Read More »

Why I can’t “just knit” |The story of a black knitter during civil unrest

I am a black knitter who is currently struggling to knit. What does me being black have to do with me knitting, is that your question? My answer is EVERYTHING! It has been 10 or more days since I clicked on a video and watched a black man murdered. It has been 10 or more

Why I can’t “just knit” |The story of a black knitter during civil unrest Read More »