Knit with GG day at Four Purls was a hit!! I had the best weekend ever. A weekend that I never thought could happen to me. Come with me, virtually, to Four Purls.
I had all intentions of capturing the entire day, but it’s hard to give out hugs and work a camera. Next time they have me down I will bring a photographer. LOL! I was able to capture a little footage, see the video below.
The folks just kept coming and I just kept hugging. Guys, some of them drove for 2 hours to get to me *insert shocked emoji* I was completely floored, especially by the number of folks that had on something orange.
THe Video
If you are wondering what is so special about Four Purls then you need to read my blog post here. As you all know I have been to quite a few yarn stores and this shop is easily in my top 3 ever! Yes I said top 3 favorites and it’s in Florida of all always hot places.
The yarn
A good local yarn shop has to have a decent selection of yarn and this shop meets that qualification. Now, add the fact that one of the brands they carry is dyed by their children. What more can you ask for? Make sure you come back on Saturday as I will be featuring Emma’s Yarn.

Hands down this was the best weekend I have had in a quite some time. Here are a few pictures. Wait did I mention that they had orange project bags made for lil ole me? Get yours at Beautiful Syster

Knit on my fiber friends….knit on
I drove three hours each way. …in the rain. #worthIt!
3 hours?! I adore you! Thank you so much for coming!
This is so great! I’m glad that it was such a wonderful event!
I had a blast and thanks for reading!