I finished my wrap by Espace Tricot. Let me type that again…I finished my L’escargot Bleu wrap and I am over the moon with pride. I am late and don’t have the proper words so here..check out this quick video I put together.
The Pattern
So let’s discuss this free pattern and this yarn. First let’s talk the pattern. As you all know by now I am a huge Espace Tricot fan. This is not my first pattern nor will it be my last. In reference to skill level, I would rank this as and easy pattern/project. If you can do the knit stitch and the purl stitch you can make this fabulous wrap. The only special techniques is M1R and M1L which are very common ways to increase.

As I stated in this post here, I had to have more orange and the ladies honored my request. I realized at the end I was using the wrong size needle. LOL the pattern calls for a US6/4mm. Well because I don’t read every word, I saw a 4 and that is what I used a US4. However, however….I am extremely happy with the fabric my opps created!

The Yarn
Yarn can make or break a pattern and L’escargot Bleu comes as a kit. The kit can be purchased from Espace Tricot website, which includes the yarn.CORRECTION the kit is sold out! Sorry 🙁 I had never heard of this company before, which means nothing. The yarn is from a company called Garthenor Organic and the base is called Beacon.

Beacon is 100% organic wool. Did I say I am not a 100% wool type chic? I don’t like the itch factor. Well baby this organic wool is a delight. DEEEE light do you hear me? I plan to wear this wrap out!! Don’t say I didnt warn you. LOL

The colors I used are as follows: Marmalade, Cadet and Heron. The kit came with 3 skeins of the main color and 2 of the contrast. As you can see I use very little of the contrast (dark grey) because I wanted to use ALL the orange. I mean why would I not? LOL!

If you don’t mind miles of stockinette, this is such a satisfying project. The stripes make it an instant classic and these colors together….I am in love! When I got to the dark grey I did the happy dance!! In total I finished this project in about 3 weeks to complete. If you ask me it was time well spent.
Knit on my fiber friends….knit on!
Absolutely gorgeous ❤️
Thank you Sissy
That looks fun to knit. 🙂
It was
Dear GG,
Thank you for sharing this beautiful project! In the beginning I wasn’t sure I liked these colors together but your finished project is absolutely gorgeous! Seeing you wearing this stunning wrap shows me that a leap of faith is all it takes. You are truly talented dear and your smile makes it all perfect!
Thank you