A knitting workshop facilitated by your very own GG!! Ahhhhhhhhhh did you hear that scream?
When Dawn, the owner of Pooka Pure and Simple reached out and asked would I be interested in participating in her DIY workshops, I said yes immediately! Pooka is one of my favorite places. They make all natural bath and body products, so their place instantly makes you relax. It smells so good in there and if you ask me aromatherapy and knitting go together like peanut butter and jelly.
I plan on just teaching the basics, like cast on, the knit stitch and depending on the audience we will venture into the purl stitch. Of course I will use like US11 or bigger so they could get something done quickly.
I am gonna grab some thick n quick and throw together a one skein project. What do you all think? I need something easy and that can be finished quickly and won’t generate confusion. I need them to walk away confident with their new-found abilities.
I can’t even begin to explain my excitement and nervousness all in the same space. Wish me luck guys, Hopefully this turns into a regular thing. Wouldn’t that be type AWESOME!!
I need all your good knitting vibes directed this way ok? LOL I am honestly nervous, but I am going to do my best!
Knit on my fiber friends…knit on
Congrats, sistagurl. I know you will do well. I think you should tape it and offer it as a tutorial later on! I crochet and would love to learn how to knit. Good Luck!
I was considering that, thanks!
Congratulations! I am certain you will do great! You are doing something you love.
I am so nervous! Thank you!
A big congratulations on teaching a class!! Since your class is at a bath product store, maybe consider teaching how to quickly knit up a wash cloth/ dish cloth using cotton or cotton bamboo blend?
That’s an idea! I was gonna start with the basic and maybe this for the next class. Yes the owner has already asked if I would like to do another class since this one sold out so quickly
I think a class would be great, and what a cool opportunity
thank you I am excited!
Wish I lived close enough…good luck with all your endeavors GG!
Thank you Margaret!