Hello family! You all know I have a YouTube channel right? Well lately I have been pretty consistent. I upload a new video every Sunday!
On my YouTube channel I give you my crafty week in review. I will share what I am working on, what I finished, if anything and what I plan to do next. I also throw a little Game of Thrones review in there too.
My current project is the L’escargot Bleu wrap that I received from the ladies of Espace Tricot. I have spoken of them before, click the link to read more. If you follow me on Facebook you saw this project when I first discovered this pattern. I will link the free pattern here and the kit here

Below is the picture that made me fall in love. I instantly reached out to Melissa and Lisa to ask if the colors could be reversed? You guys know I need more orange than anything else right? LOL, so it was on my list to purchase…watch what happened here

This pattern is flying off the needles and this yarn…you saw what I had to say in the video. It’s 100% organic wool and I am in love…yea man I am!!
Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Video so you don’t miss out on what’s going on with GG. Here is the link to my channel so you can see all of the videos I have uploaded.

I am also participating in a challenge to go live everyday in the month of May. If Youtube is not your thing, you can catch me live on Facebook or Instagram, every single day! Yesterday was Mother’s Day and I was over it! My baby always takes care of me. I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s day!
Knit on my fiber friends….knit on