The first Saturday Spotlight of 2019 is here. This year I plan to be more consistent with introducing you to the makers I find. If you are new here, Saturday spotlight is when I shine my light on a maker that I have come across in these Cyber Streets.
- Hi!! Thank you for taking the time to talk with me and my readers. Tell me your story. What’s your name and where do you dye from?
I’m Terra the dyer and maker behind Mitchell’s Creations…thank you for having me! I’m originally from Decatur, Georgia and moved to Louisiana about 10 years ago. I’m a mother of two. I dye from my home in Franklinton, Louisiana. Most people have no clue where that is but I’m about 90 miles north of New Orleans.
- Nice to meet you Terra!! What is your craft of choice? Do you knit, crochet or both? Who taught you and how long have you been creating?

My craft of choice is knitting but with crochet dolls I have rediscovered my love for crochet. I actually started with crochet when I was maybe 9. My aunt gave my mother a yellow crocheted baby blanket when my brother was born and I was intrigued by it. I got a learn to crochet kit and taught myself from there. I didn’t pick up knitting until 1999 when I saw my daughters grandmother knitting a blanket and of course the maker in me had to know how to do it. I remember going to Walmart and getting some Red Heart yarn, a pair of needles, and a book and went with it. So I’ve been crocheting for about 30 years and knitting for 19 years.

In addition to knitting, crocheting, and dyeing yarn I sew and my other passion is baking and cake decorating.
- WOW!! You do it all!! I learned crocheting first as well. You have a company and you sell hand dyed yarn. How did that come about? How is that going?
It all started with a pattern! There was a pattern I wanted to make and I had just recently discovered the LYS. I went in and was looking for something speckled. While they had pretty yarn they didn’t have what I wanted. So I did a little research, ordered some undyed yarn and a few dyes. I purchased a Craftsy class and went for it. I After posting my project using Zombie Butterfly, Maci Grey, and Golden Ochre people started inquiring about the yarn and that’s how it started.
Things are going good with Mitchell’s Creations. I’ve been dyeing for a little over 2 years now since November and have seen lots of growth. I’m continuing to learn new techniques and business skills to help me get better at what I do. I’ll be vending at my first fiber retreat in February and have one fiber festival on the calendar for September.

- Yes, ma’am, make what you want if you can’t buy it! I am so here for that!! BRAVO on the Fiber retreat!! YES!! that is super exciting! Do you have a studio?
No I don’t currently have a studio but I do have hopes and plans to get one. There is more than enough room to put one on our land so we’re trying to figure out how to make that happen. We’ve been looking at options to buy a building or build our own.

- WOW!! that would be great to have a studio right on your property! What is your best selling color?
My best selling color is actually a set, the Unicorn Dust Mini Set but as far as one color it’s Zombie Butterfly.

- What advice would you give someone looking to start a business in this field?
Although it may seem like there are many people doing what you want to do don’t worry about them and go for it. Make sure you do your research and figure out what will make you stand out in the market. You also have to be willing to do the work and put the time in to grow your business. Dyeing yarn takes a lot of trial and error. Not all color-ways come out as you imagine them in your head but you learn from your mistakes and keep extensive notes on your processes. Some people may have over night success but I didn’t. It takes a lot of time and patience and yes it gets tough sometimes but you have to pick your head up and keep going. These are things I do often.
- I completely agree, find your lane and do the work. I felt the same way when I said I would start a blog, or my Youtube channel. I am so happy you did the work. I wish you continued success. How can my readers find you in this cyber world? Because find you they must!!
Thank you so much for spending some time with me

Knit on fiber friends, knit on……….
GG –
Thank you for highlighting the makers of beautiful color ways! That Unicorn colorway is giving me a seriou case of envy. Im looking forward to seeing more of Terra’s magic on Instagram.
Thank you for reading
I am impressed with Mitchell’s ambition and perseverance to be her own person and accomplishing her dreams. God bless your future goals Mitchell, because you are extremely talented and gifted.
I totally agree