If you are reading this, you know the world is literally and figuratively on fire. I mean here we go again, another hashtag started trending and we all witnessed the horrific murder of George Floyd. You have to agree that things must change
As stated in a previous post, I couldn’t just knit no matter how hard I tried. Everyone was/is uneasy, I never imagined I would live through these days. I kept getting asked the same question over and over again. “How can I help GG?” My response to that question can be seen in the video below:
My answer was simply, yet complex. My answer will force a change in every fiber in your being because the gap starts at home. The gap starts with the children. This is why I am super excited about this collaboration with Magpie Fibers.

The proceeds from these beautiful tumblers will go to The Conscious Kid. This organization focusing on bringing Anti-Racism into the schools. They focus on the babies and THAT is where the gap starts!
I hope you will join me by grabbing a mug to support this fabulous cause. We must all stand in the gap, so our children won’t have to do this again. It’s time for racism to be history.
I will leave you with this final thought. Today is Juneteenth. Juneteenth marks the day the last slaves were freed in 1865. Here we are in 2020 and I still ask myself this question. Are we really free?
Stand in the Gap
No. Not by a long shot. So we keep working. Thank you for bringing this fantastic group to my attention! As an educator, I have been focusing my attention on how to disrupt the assumption that the job of education is to bring students into the practices of whiteness. I have a long way to go, as does the education system. While I don’t need one of these beautiful tumblers, I’m going straight over to donate to The Conscious Kid. I am grateful for you, for your beauty, for your knitting, for your fire, and for your wisdom.
Thank you
Thank you GG!!! Your posts are heartfelt and informative. Sending you love from New York where we are standing together for a better, more inclusive, compassionate future. Standing in the gap…thank you for that term. circlecreativecollective.org “Bringing people together one traditional craft at a time.”
Thank you for reading
I love this blog, and I love this message. It looks like the tumblers are all gone – will you and Magpie Fibers be producing more?
Thank you for brining my attention to the Conscious Kid. I’m going to go now and support them – with or without the mug.
PS – my favorite color is also ORANGE!!!! <3
Hi! The tumblers were just for the fundraiser. Thank you for reading
I’m sorry I missed the fundraiser, but thanks to you Concious Kid has a new patron. Thank you again for brining this to my attention!
Enjoy your weekend!