The beginning of the Vivienne Cardigan by Wool and the Gang. I am 12 hours ahead and my body is like why we still in the bed it’s time to get up…and that was hours ago. Jet lag is alive and well my friends. Sooooo the only logical thing to do is KNIT, don’t you agree?
As you know, well at least I think you know…I love the color Orange and this shiny pima cotton from Wool and the Gang in the color Vitamin C is RIGHT!!! I said I was determined to make a sweater, so it will be me and this Cardigan for a bit. Outside of working I have nothing but time on my hands.

I absolutely intend on searching for a local yarn spot and of course I will share my adventures! NOTE: I am using the Nova Cubics I won, I will do a review once I am done.
Oh how I live to have time on my hand … but with two young teammembers and everythingelse to do but knitting can I confess that I envy you for all that time for knitting?
I was thinking of making that cardigan myself but I guess it would take ages to finish it – I wonder how many hours it takes.
Enjoy making it and keep us posted please!