Clinton Hill Cashmere and Brioche | My Thoughts


Brioche stitch according to Purl Soho creates a wonderfully lofty, wildly ribbed, reversible (when 2 colors are used) fabric. My mother ain’t raise no punk, but brioche is what “other folks” knit. If you have been following along you know that Rebecca from Clinton Hill Cashmere was kind enough to give me some of her luxurious yarn 😱during Vogue Knitting Live. If you missed my recap you can watch it here

I wanted to do something special because…I mean Cashmere right? Initially I said I would do the Sophia Cowl with stripes and then it hit me. It’s time to do some brioche baby.

I took the cast on for the Sophia Cowl, found a video on YouTube and got started. Welp, I was going along good but I noticed that last column was jacked all the way up. I mean it was a mess. What was I to do? Did I try and fix it or rip it out and start over. After reaching out on my Instastories for help and getting tons of responses (I love y’all), I decide to rip it out.

I have found the yarn overs with the yarn in front or back matter #yarnoversmatter. Also the placement of the yarn when using two colors is key. Do I leave this in the front or what?

I did exactly as I learned from all the help and pow we had brioche baby! The best advice was knowing how to read your knitting. Does that make sense? For me knowing that if I was presented with a single stitch vs a stitch with a yarn over my actions needed to be  different, made me think I was the queen. Look at my Cowl

I was all proud and immediately went looking for the next project and that lead me straight to Lavanya Patricella and her beginner brioche hat.

Clinton Hill Cashmere

Wait, can we have a moment of silence for the Cashmere from Clinton Hill? I mean if you are gonna splurge for the good stuff I highly recommend this company. If I remember correctly there is something special with the processing of this yarn. I think it’s pre-washed or something, don’t quote me. What you absolutely should do is get some. This Cowl was done with every single inch of 2 skeins. Lol! It so sexy, the only thing that would make it better would be…Orange 👀

Do yourself a favor and go check out Rebecca and her fabulous yarn. You can thank me later.

The hat

So, I got this now right? I know how to read the stitches so this is about to be a breeze. Yea, nope! The fabric is supposed to reversible but uh I don’t know WHAT IN THE HAMSAMMICH I did! Lol the outside looks wonderful..and I like the inside too, but it’s so wrong! Lol

So back to the drawing board for me, although I love my hat, I want to get this right. I want to see a pattern and NOT avoid it because of this beautiful stitch. Is there a stitch you avoid? Thanks for reading

Knit on my fiber friends….knit on



14 thoughts on “Clinton Hill Cashmere and Brioche | My Thoughts”

  1. Gorgeous cowl, and I like the hat, too. The only knitting stitch I avoid is anything that makes a bobble. I personally don’t care for them.

  2. We now have a new saying in the house, thanks to you:
    Love that cowl, and as I have had the nice yarns for a brioche cowl fir, oh, a year now, but haven’t had the courage to start it, thank you for pushing me in that direction again!

  3. Thank you so much GG! Was a stunning cowl and you deserve the gorgeous yarn! Loved reading this and seeing the finished product!! You are a rockstar!!! xoxo

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