
Conquer Fear and just do it!


Fear! What are you afraid of? What will you completely avoid due to fear of failure? Does your self-doubt ring loud in your ears? If you answered yes to that last question, please watch this video.

I went live on Facebook the other day because I was so proud. The publish button, I hit it. The course it was out in the world. I was deathly afraid, but I did it! Nobody can convince me of what I can’t do better than me. Can you relate?


Conquer Fear

Note: to hear click the expand icon and then click the x on the speaker and enjoy.Β 

I can’t tell you how hard this was for me. I have people in my circle that have been telling me to do this (launch a course) for years. My response was always the same, “I will look into it” and I never did. WHY? Well one of my closest friends is Self Doubt. She is loud and bold and has to have the last word. Most of my 50 years I have allowed her to control my actions. This little girl from the projects could absolutely NOT (fill in the blank).

The good part is even though I was sweating the entire way, I did it! So I am sharing this with you all because whatever it is, do it. The fear doesn't go away, the self doubt absolutely doesn't go away, but still..do it! Click To Tweet That stitch you are afraid of, but love..do it! That pattern that you keep looking at on Ravelry but have convinced yourself you can’t do it..please cast on.

I am your living, breathing, walking, knitting example that you can do it with fear.

Knit on my fiber friends…knit on



8 thoughts on “Conquer Fear and just do it!”

  1. Thank you for being such a motivator. I definitely am still working on my FEARs and insecurities. It’s a mighty beast to fight! I love when I read about people fighting past fear and still doing something for themselves!

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