This time of year, you often hear folks say they have to knit fast. Winter is coming, so knit faster. Holiday gifts or Rhinebeck sweater, all require speed. I say don’t knit fast, knit big!
Damn that making yourself crazy trying to knit at the speed of light. Have you ever heard of instant gratification? I know you have and I know you understand.
I have recently fallen in love with fingering weight yarn, because Plucky Primo!
Fat Fibers Rock
If you have been around me longer than five minutes, you know that I love fatfibers first and foremost. You know that I refer to myself as the CEO of #teamlazy. There is also something sexy about a big ole stitch.
You guys remember that I met Jacqui Fink a few years ago at Vogue Knitting Live right? Read that post here. She was kind enough to gift me some yarn, way back then. I had to make something that was worthy of this yarn.
The bag you see below is what I call worthy! Can I tell you it took me about 90 minutes to complete. #teamfatfiber I finger crocheted this beauty, The handles were done with needles. I am waiting to secure the ends because I want to get it lined.
I made another one, using a big bump from The Bagsmith. Did you know they are now closed 😐 Anyway my point is you can get a lot done in the time frame you desire, just knit big,
I’d love to hear/read more about Plucky Primo! Thank you, GG.
I will do what I can Peggy