Finished. I finally cast off my Khaki. I wasn’t sure this would happen. For the first time I had no desire to knit. We have all heard makers say they have lost their mojo. I didn’t understand, until I did.
It’s story time. This story is about why I almost didn’t finish this project. First I need to say that I have had the yarn (Rowan was kind enough to gift it to me) for at least a year before I cast on. This project was started on February 3, 2022. YES! you read that right I have been working on this project basically all year.
The Project
If you have been with me for a little bit of time, you know I have an issue of not reading the patterns completely 🫣 I will say it here and now, if I had read that this was in pieces, it may not have happened. I mean that’s a lot of seaming but I digress. I got the back panel done and instantly decided the front panels had to be knit two at a time. Wait, rewind..this was knit from the bottom up. When I got to the up..I pulled it out because it was zigzagged…who does that? Well I went to the twitter and they said it was correct so I kept going.

Did I say it was 1×1 ribbing? Miles and miles of ribbing *insert blank stare* what did I get myself into? LOL but my mother ain’t raise no punk so I was all in it. I cast on the 2 panels at the same damn time. Go me! I was so very ready to say 🗣look ya’ll I finished. Then June happened 🥺

Knitting while sick
This year I was back at Squam Lake for the Sacred Makers Soul Retreat and I was sick. BUT, if you let me tell it, the allergies were just acting like a donkey. Ha if only that were true. I came home on a Sunday, by Wednesday I was in the hospital. The diagnosis was double pneumonia and my stay was a whole 25 days 🧐

If you know my story then you know that tragedy brought me to knitting. In 2012 I lost both parents and my job. If I could knit my way through that. This should be a breeze right?
Nothing could be further from the truth. My Shelbey was kind enough to bring my knitting up to the hospital. I had IVs in both hands so that was a strong NO! Finished while I was in the hospital was absolutely NOT happening.
I was set free on July 3rd and the first thing I did was put my knitting in the bed with me. I was getting closer to actually knitting. A solid month or so went by before I actually picked it up and started working on it again. My progress was slow because my heart needed to heal. I was so very sick and afraid. I have never had an issue where I couldn’t breathe and your girl was shook up!
Shelbey and I decided we were going to go to Rhinebeck as I was coming along nicely. Once that decision was made, it was operation get er done. Don’t put my back up against the wall, because if you want me to do something…tell me I can’t. Then politely move out of my way. I had like 3 weeks, I got this right? Tell me why I was up til 5:52 AM on Friday October 14th, the first day of the Rhinebeck weekend, but I did it!
I finally finished
It takes us about 2 hours, give or take, to get to the Rhinebeck area. This was perfect as I needed weave in ALL the ends AND catch a nap. Your girl was beyond tired. This is/was a once in a lifetime project, because I would NEVER take on something like this again. I am super proud of the outcome, but yea…nope. The message here is this one…you can do whatever you decide you want to do.
Rhinebeck update coming up on my YouTube channel soon. Have you ever done a project that took 2 week beyond forever?

Well done GG that is one amazing piece of knitting art.
I am really proud of it
😍 beautiful.
Thank you!
Stunning knitting – and it looks just stunning on you!
Worth all of your efforts.
What a memento of 2022, ups and downs.
Keep well
That photo of you and the tree, all the orange, perfection! I’m sorry to hear you were so ill, and lost the mojo for a while, but this story had a happy ending.
What a beautiful sweater. Loving it!
I understand that dry spell. I just went through one from last December until this September. Once the cold weather peeked in at the end of September, I couldn’t get enough wool in my hands! lol. And as I take care of my mother, I asked myself why I didn’t do this for myself sooner. But a dry spell is a dry spell – like an artist’s block. Once out, I have realized I want to learn so much more in knitting. Crochet has been my craft for many years. I love the look of knitting and am a beginner with it – constantly lol! My goal is to learn sweaters and colorwork.
I thank you for your inspiration. It helps me to know we can do anything we set our mind to. I’m so very glad you are on the mend and that you could get to Rhinebeck. Thank you for your strength and sharing. You are truly a talented, wonderful inspiration!
Healing hugs to you dear lady.
Sheila Sweet
We sure csn and thank you for sharing
I just added a comment to your Ravelry Project page — you look amazing in this coat!
I think finishing it in just 8 months is impressive. Also… the only reason I could find your project page is because so far you are the ONLY one on Ravelry that’s finished this!!!
Am I? I hadn’t paid that part any attention. Thank you for your comment
That’s beautiful🧡, and glad you were able to finish. Now maybe I can finish MY project! A baby blanket 💗. I’ve been slowly picking at it since she was a month old. The baby is now 4yo. Maybe I’ll have it done by the time SHE has a baby.😄
Lol not 4 years old!
What a story GG! So sorry you were so sick; that’s really scary. Dana Williams-Johnson at Yards of Happiness has also had a scary health crisis and I’ve been following her recovery. Best of luck to you, and congratulations for finishing that amazing knitwork AND going to a massive public event too, so soon after.
That event inspired me to finish. Thanks for your kind words 🥰
GG, Absolutely beautiful.
Thank you 🤗
GG! You made it through! So yeah, you really did make it. 🙂
Now be well.
thank you