“SUCCESS|People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing” ~Dale Carnegie
So I should be independently wealthy! LOL I knit with the yarn I ADORE and I get to take pics so you all can see it, what more can I yarnho/wannabephotograhper ask for? NOTHING! I am absolutely having fun, now to turn that into an income, that’s the trick 🙂
Here we are in a new year, with a clean slate,and a fresh start; a start that I welcome. Most of my crafting goals surround my knitting/yarn obsession. Wether that goal pertained to stepping up my blog game or my knitting game; I plan to improve, to do more and to do better.
Blog Goals
*post daily – which will require discipline and preparation on my part. I can do that, I just need to do it!
*increase participation – I want to provide a blog you all want to read and interact with, so I will be asking questions as to what you want to read about.
Knitting Goals
*learn design – if you didn’t know I will use a pattern as a skeleton so to speak and then I run with my imagination. What I want to learn is the science behind the design, for example, how to convert a stitch to be worked in the round. How many stitches I need to cast on (oh I hate math btw, pray for me) what needle should be used, etc.
I tweeted about this very thing today and the response I got is the reason I love my fiber friends. I was told to just grab some yarn, make a swatch and take good notes. So I think I am ready guys. I have a new notebook, my new iPad Air and more than enough yarn.
Etsy Goals
*improve GGmadeitbyhand – This goal is directly connected to the design thingy..because what I want for my ETSY shop is that signature piece. That item that makes folks say “That’s from GGmadeitbyhand” I am currently all over the place and want to do better. I believe if I fine tune what it is you can get from GG, the more folks will come and spend.
I know the whole resolution thing gets old, but this is not that. I read a quote that I love today.
“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way; if you don’t , you’ll find an excuse ” ~Jim Rohn
What are your goals for this year?
Knit on my fiber friends..knit on
I’m proud of you girl! I don’t think resolutions are old. I believe making goals for yourself can be a great guide especially when you are venturing into the unknown. I hope you don’t mind having a partner-in-crime or a “road dog”, as my mother calls it. Because I too would like to up my game.
I have been watching and cheering for you. You re-launching your Etsy shop really had me excited because secretly I’d like to “really” open one too. I started taking various classes on design (check out Creative Bug and Craftsy) that have helped. My issue is I have to get over wanting to make the item and be done. I like one of a kind type items. Not necessarily making the same thing repeatedly. I’m not sure if this is due to me needing to find “that one item” I just love or if my creativity will allow me to make very few of several items. I’m not sure. I’m working it out.
In the midst of my learning, reading and knitting I believe I’ve stumbled over what I’d like to make to lay the foundation. So this year I plan to get to it.
I’ve wrote this essay in your comment section … LOL … to say “you can do it!”. I look forward to seeing it all unfold.
Take care,
God Bless you Dana!! That is my issue as well. I want that signature item, but maybe “that thing” is the fact that I make different things. Can I jump through this screen and kiss you in the mouth! Yes we will be partners in crime!! Absolutely!! I am on Craftsy and never heard of Creative Bug so thanks for the reminder and heads-up. This essay (hahahahahah) is just what I needed. You Rock in unbelievable ways.
In reference to opening up your Etsy don’t be like me, I dragged my feet with my shop, I was all up in my own head. So just do it, post a few items and then work on spreading the word. Hell you are on Instagram, there is such inspiration there. You got this!! Look out 2015, here we come!
LOL… I am going to write a post on my blog for early next week. I am on Instagram and check me out on YT search for “FreedomPlease”. As for jumping in…I will…I will.
In the meantime, to you and designing. I am learning that my best “assistance” or “course” has come from patterns that appeal to me. The great thing about trying different patterns is I appease both my need to knit and move but I also learn about different methods of construction.
Knit on my friend. I’ll be reading your posts and keeping you updated. Have a great day!
We are kindred spirits as I do the same EXACT thing.Have a great day my friend.I will follow you Youtube channel today. I need to dust mine off as well.
Wow, that’s wonderful. I am actually trying to do the same. You will accomplish your goals and more. Good luck!
Thank you and so will you! When you say do the same, which part do you mean? The blogging, the design or ETSY?
Good luck with your goals, GG and happy new year! Posting daily is a struggle, especially if you don’t have an editorial calendar or a staff of writers. Trust me, I know, lol. For 2015, I want to focus on generating more blog content that’s useful to my readers and building the mailing list for my weekly newsletter. I’d like to have a few hundred subscribers by the end of the year. PS. That Jim Rohn quote is truth; I’ll have to copy and paste that to Twitter.
You inspired me to post daily and altjough i still struggle I am committed to doing it!
Well, best wishes. I definitely think there are pros and cons to posting daily, but try it for a week and see how it goes. 🙂