I’m a Knit Star! LOL do you all remember my dance? LOL! Knit Stars is in it’s 6th season and is introducing 12 new stars this year. What you may not know is the master classes are only available twice a year; now and in the fall. If you shop now, you will get $30 off and that rate ends tomorrow. Wait are you saying “GG what is Knit Stars?” You know I take care of you guys. Click here for the answer.

Can you believe my self doubt almost made me decline the chance to be a knit star? I didn’t think I could do it, but I did and I am super happy about it! It was an amazing experience. I still get all teary eyed when someone reaches out and gives feedback.

Last year I was a season 5 knit star. My course is about finding your voice through Authenticity, Consistency and Vulnerability. Yes, It is not like a normal course, but I promise you will take something away. The great thing about this early bird special is you can purchase ANY of the seasons or ALL of them
Season 6
This year’s stars are truly amazing. Click the link below to listen to then tell you what they will be offering you. Hurry because you don’t want to miss out on this great price
One of the many things I love about Knit Stars is that once you grab a seat, it’s yours forever. You can pause, rewind or replay whenever and as often as needed. You need the instructor to repeat that instruction…go ahead and hit rewind. So grab your seat now and don’t let this sale pass you by.
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