I am and will forever be a KnitStar. There I said it and I finally feel it in my heart. Agreeing to be a knitstar, was the moment I decided to love me. Let me explain, I have a story to share. Four years ago, Shelley Brander asked me to be a KnitStar and my low self esteem showed up front and center.

Yes, I didn’t think I was KnitStar material. I was very much aware of the previous stars and yea…NOPE. According to me, I was NOT that! Shelley dragged me kicking and screaming…LOL well not actually, but yea I was work for her. *insert embarrassed emoji*
Remember, 4 years ago we were in the midst of a pandemic AND Shelley flew here for the recording of my masterclass and her presence was what I needed.
My masterclass, the only one I have ever taught, is about finding your own voice through authenticity, consistency, and vulnerability. Looking back now I can see how I consistently doubted myself. Consequently, It was during the filming of my masterclass that I recognized that I didn’t need to be like anyone else..I needed to be authentically ME. Full stop!
After all, a very real part of being authentic, is also being vulnerable. I had to admit my fears. It was time to admit my low sense of self AND I had to show up and be me! I found my voice in my own masterclass, LOL!
At the present time my low self esteem still makes an appearance, but she is not as strong as she use to be. In the past 4 years I recognize my ability and my worth. I finally like me more than I ever did.
GG The KnitStar Now
Here we are 4 years later and my course is being released today as a standalone. So like Shelley said in the newsletter this morning, whether you’re looking to build your following, build your business or simply form deeper, more meaningful online connections, my Masterclass is a must-see.

The other special thing is That Damn Della (Adella Colvin: the genius behind Lolabeanyarn CO) is offering a pre-order of the very first yarn she dyed for me: The Citrus Collection – Orange Peel, Tangerine and Manderine. Pictured above I am wearing my That Damn Della Cowl and The Swancho. My Cowl pattern will be included when you purchase the my class. 🧶🧡
Thank you in advance for your continued support.