I like big stitches and I can not lie…

I am not sure if you all know, but I have an ETSY shop. Yea, little ole me, folks kept asking do I sell what I make and since I was unemployed I said to myself “self, you may as well try” so that’s how GGmadeitbyhand was born. What that also means is it’s just me, so the faster I can pump out the product the better; insert my love for bulky/chunky yarn.   2014-11-29 15.53.42Outside of the fact that big yarn just presents the stitch in such a trendy way and uh I am lazy! LOL there I said it. I am the CEO of #teamlazyashell! I mean I have made things on small needles, but those are once in a lifetime events. I swear to you I will NOT revisit! LOL why do you ask? Well it takes too long. I like to grab my big babies (needles/hooks) and make music. Boy oh boy I love it when it works up fast.

          IMG_1422    IMG_1984

For example, yesterday morning this happened, I had an order for a scarf and uh who has time for going back and forth on small needles? Not I, said the lazy one.


I had some Lion Brand Hometown USA, I held 2 strands together, I chained 100, I did HDC in the back loop and sixty minutes later POW!!! Then yesterday afternoon, when I looked in a bag of yarn (I have so many laying around) and found some Premier Yarn Mega Tweed *insert cheesy grin* I mean the label said Mega, that meant I HAD to knit with it right then..as soon as I found it!! Soo I grabbed the us50s and with the yarn doubled of course,  I went to work..


After maybe an hour or two (I stopped to cook dinner and respond to FB, Twitter & IG) we had what I thought was a winner. I was envisioning a neck warmer that I could add a button to or something..but that didn’t work..so I seamed it up and I wasn’t happy. IMG_2012 IMG_2014

although nice it wasn’t what I was going for; so I took it apart. The beauty of big yarn and big needles is you can do that and still end up with a finished product.

IMG_2016This, my friends, is why I go chunky/bulky super bulky even and if I don’t have it, I will make it. I will hold as many strands together as needed. Ha! try and stop my lazy if you want…you will FAIL! LOL!

Knit on my fiber friends, knit on


0 thoughts on “I like big stitches and I can not lie…”

  1. This looks amazing. Your store will defiantly do well.💰 You have a great eye. I love my chunky yarns too. I work a lot of my scarves, cowls and snoods with Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick & Quick. But woah!!!!!! 😳 I don’t know about that crochet hook you have there. Lol!!! 😄 The largest hook I have is N. I made a zip up jacket on Ravelry with it and the Thick & Quick. My largest Knitting needle is 17, but I saw some astonishing chunky yarn at The School Product yarn store. I have to post the photo I took on my blog at some point, but I think I’m just going to put it on Instagram for now. I love the texture of the yarn you’re using. It definitely makes me want to go bigger with my needles 🌟

      1. I’m LargeRoomNoLight on both Ravelry & Inatagram, but I only have the crochet zipper jacket and my first knit hat on there. Well my 1st knit project ever. I only started knitting in 2012.

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