Yarn makes happy! There I said it and I mean it! Let me share a little bit about myself; two years ago, April thru July, I lost my dad, my mom and my job. No, I am not tied up in a rubber room, playing with my lips *smiling softly* . I am home playing with my yarn, because Yarn insulated my heart. Yarn, kept me company at night when everyone else was asleep. Yarn was/is the string that holds my battered heart together. Yarn made me think, made me dream as well as forced me to learn new skills. Yarn doesn’t ask questions or look at me with prying eyes. Yarn becomes what I want it to be, it bends without breaking, well don’t tug to tightly, but you get my drift. Yarn has opened up my world to a whole new set of folks that I would have probably never met. So yarn, yes YARN makes me happy 🙂

I am not particular either, I just love yarn..no matter the weight. Well that’s not entirely true, I have a crush on the heavy weight beauties…as they give me instant pleasure. There is nothing like sitting down for a few hours and ending up with a Magnificent product, you just can’t beat it!

What makes you happy?