Knit on…

yesterday I came across this quote from Elizabeth Zimmerman

“Knit on with confidence and hope through all crisis” and to that I immediately added knit on through fear and doubt.

Last night as I was taking the garbage out, I hesitated just slightly because the rain and warmers temps created a misty fog from the melting snow. It was the classic horror movie scene and for a split second I was afraid. In that moment I quickly decided to just keep the garbage in house until daylight. Then I had to pull myself together and take the damn garbage to the dumpster. I ain’t no punk! Most days anyway 😋

My point here, is fear makes me pause, hesitate and even avoid things, situations, or tasks. Insert this last completed project: Baby Sweater open front/raglan sleeves.

What you tell yourself…is! In my case I will tell anyone that will listen that I cannot make a sweater. 😳 because in my head I can’t. It took my daughter to say “mommy! I thought you couldn’t make a sweater!” As I barreled my way through this baby cardigan 👀. The term raglan sleeve just sounded so not my level of knitting. So in classic GG style I avoided. I will scarf and cowl you to death, you hear me? Hmph, what color you want because I CAN do that!

As this little sweater came to life in my hands I realized that my greatest obstacle is me and my “you can’t do that train of thought” well I did it despite it all.


Am I alone here? Is there something you fear that you avoid? Let’s discuss

P.S. I have to block this and make a hat and booties to match.

Knit on my fiber friends…knit on


0 thoughts on “Knit on…”

  1. Gaye you know I think there is nothing you CAN’T do, but I do know how you feel about letting fear hold you back or give you pause. Pushing through that fear is a powerful feeling and gives you the motivation and courage to do whatever it is you want to do. That cardigan is gorgeous and I see many more in the future 🙂

    1. She just said everything I was going to say. Lovely little sweater and I bet we DO see some grown-up sized ones here eventually! Congratulations on defeating your hesitation! Beautiful work, as always.

  2. In life..I am conquering that fear next week…
    In knitting (which is life only different somehow) ummm yeah sweaters and socks terrify me. I seem to have the most difficult time when people talk about how easy they are. I think the majority of people in my knitting circles, forgot what it was like for them when they first did say, socks for example.
    I am not even sure what the fear is I just know it is there. And there are plenty of people around to talk about how easy it is…and so I am not in any big hurry to get socks done…yet 😀
    That sweater is gorgeous by the way…your choices of color combinations is fabulous. Thanks for bringing your fear out in the open makes it easier for the rest of us (ME) to talk about them.

    1. let’s touch and agree. That annoys me too, when you I admit I am afraid and folks do all they can to downplay MY fear. Well when you are ready you will make socks. I know that fear as I once possessed it too. Good luck next week with your life thingy.

  3. So cute! I love doing sweaters for little people. But, the first few are definitely so intimidating. There’s always that anxiety at some point that it’s going wrong midway through too….

  4. Hooksneedlesandpens

    My fear was knitting itself. My mother tried to teach me when I was 6 and because I couldn’t get it then I turned away and became an avid crocheter. I can crochet any garment out there, coats, sweaters, wraps, jackets I’m all over it but to knit. Finally I decided that there were too many patterns that I liked and could not do because they were knit. Short story i can call myself a knitter. Stitches and tension on point!

  5. Wow. GG great job with facing your fears. This sweater is so adorable. It’s true about the fear and uncertainty. My friends at my LYS tease me all the time when I convince myself that I can’t complete a technique or project. Knitting has become my lifeline right now. It is a soothing habit that quiets my worries. I am knitting the same damn socks again— too big. Sometimes one knitter’s frustration is another’s knitter’s sanctuary. I’m good with fairisle, its the damn math calculations for socks that got me twisted.

    1. Well I hope the sock knitting works out in your favor. I know the feeling. Isn’t it something how we talk ourselves out of things? Smh thanks for the visit

  6. Sweaters were my big deal too, socks still are. But like you, I powered through a baby cardigan, it turned out beautifully and gave me courage to swatch (notice i didnt say knit … LOLOL) a grown up one. That’s one of my goals for the year … to move past the fear and make one for myself.

    Good job with moving past your fear

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