I know I am not alone when I say I had seen this around the internet but wasn’t quite sure why I would want it. You also know that I am your knitting product pusher/enabler. If it’s out there I will find it and
temp you, I mean make you aware. That is just what I do and you know you love it! Hahahahahahahahaa
Well rewind to Saturday morning, when I went to visit the “other Gaye” A.K.A Susan the owner of Knit-A-Bit. She recently moved to a new location in Fanwood NJ and I have been meaning to visit. We get there and we look around, now let me say this: I had NO money to spend, well I had some but, I didn’t need to be buying anything. We walked around and got the lay of the land and said our hellos and gave out hugs. You know the normal stuff you do when you go to one of your favorite yarn stores.
I go outside to take a picture of the front of the store and when I walk back in I notice a table that has yarn and magazine and …….Oh My!! what is this? There just waiting for me to touch it and put it on was the one and only Knitter’s Keep. Now I don’t know about you, but I had seen pics of this all over Instagram and Facebook so naturally I was intrigued. The good part was Susan had a sample one that you could touch and feel and try on and fall in love with, yup all of that happened. The clever accessory comes from CocoKnits. Remember the stone tape measures I fell in love with? This comes from the same company, yea I think I like them. A LOT!! LOL!
What is the knitter’s keep do you ask? Well it is a magnetized slap bracelet that holds your notions while you knit. Is that not cool or what? Yea it’s pretty cool. From what I can tell you have two options in reference to purchasing your own, it retails for $39.95:
- check with your local yarn store (which is how I got mine)
- go to Cocoknits.com
What’s in the cardboard cylinder? Here take a look and see for yourself. The top of the container tells you what is inside
- the bracelet
- 10 small stitch markers
- 10 large stitch markers
- 10 opening stitch markers
- 2 bent tip tapestry needles
- 2 curved cable needles
Now outside of the bracelet most knitters have all of these notions already, so why get this? Well first because it’s super cool!! AND I know I am not the only one that can’t find the tapestry needle when I need it or loses my stitch markers and have to stop knitting to find them. Â Please know the thought of them being on my wrist and not moving until I move them just gave me joy! Â I couldn’t leave it there, I mean I didn’t want it to cry when I left or something. Besides we bonded for like an hour, so we were in a relationship at that point. So yea, I had to have it, period.
I won’t tell you that I walked around the store with it on my arm for over an hour. It is lightweight, it didn’t make me sweat AND my notions didn’t move!! I was not catering to it either, I simply went about my business of fondling all the lovely yarn and it didn’t budge. Oh yeah I had to have it, I mean food is over rated and I am fat so I can miss a meal or two. I mean all is fare in love and yarn, right? RIGHT!
All of the notions are nickel plated steel and just look so good on my arm. Are you reading this and saying “GG, did you get this because you NEEDED it or just wanted it?” Well, why is that important? hahahahahahahahaaa of course I didn’t NEED it but I absolutely WANTED it and so it is mine.
Honestly, having a cable needle when you need it is so very important and just damn clever! You all remember when I had to use my eyeliner? Well if I had this beauty I wouldn’t have had to resort to desperate measures. I know you all know one could NEVER ever have enough stitch markers to lose. Yes I said to lose, because I almost always do but now!! Oh my dear friends now that is no longer an issue. I completely approve this product. 🙂
Knit on my fiber friends….knit on
Hahahaha! Gaye, I would love/hate to go in a yarn shop with you! We’d walk out of there, wondering how we’re going to make the house payment! And yes, damn you, this looks like something I must have….*sigh*
Blowing kisses
Ah so clever. Why don’t I ever think of these things?!?
lol exactly!
LOOOOL, you KNOW you can’t walk out of a yarn store without buying something! I’m going to need you to start reaching out to these yarn companies and accessory makers and have them starting sending you product to try so you don’t have to go starving 🙂
Well I can skip a meal..but yea I do need to do that!
Yes girl, the worst that can happen is they say no or they say yes and you get free goodies!!!
but let me tell you how God works. I spent $40 and he sent me $60. My Godsister who I haven’t seen in years came through and purchased 3 hats. #blessed
Won’t He do it!
text me I just tried to show you something and it didn’t go through. Don’t know if I have the wrong number or what
@ggmadeit I love that you love my products!! I have a new one just about to launch and I think you deserve a new toy compliments of cocoknits;-) email me your address and I’ll pop one in the mail when/if they ever clear customs! knit@cocoknits.com
I was just on Periscope telling everyone about my Knitters keep! I absolutely will send my information, don’t make me cry! Thank you!💋💋
My lys needs to stock this magical box! This looks awesome!
Yes tell them they must!
I brought one today and loved it cause of your review.
Enjoy! Because I love mine!!
I love your blog and have been trying to subscribe to your new website (and not just for the give-away) but I keep getting an error message. Can you help me out?
Sure will try. What is the error saying?
There was an error when subscribing. Please try again.
I just tested and it went through fine. I will report it, thanks
I don’t know if it’s got anything to do with the “submit” button being black. but I’ve refreshed several times and it’s still the same.
I will fix that too
Thanks for your help.