If you Think you can’t
In my opinion I am a fairly new knitter and therefore certain projects are for folks that can knit. I mean I never tried to knit because I was so sure I couldn’t. I mean it looks so polished and professional and not like anything I could do, right? RIGHT! As long as I kept hanging out with my pal self doubt.
I learned to crochet first and for years all I would do is the safe things. Like a scarf or blanket and no fancy stitches either. All because I didn’t think I could.
When you decide you can
I started knitting while still working as a Call Center Manager. We were cleaning out the prize closet and found these little scarf kits. The kit contained a ball of yarn, the needles and instructions to make a scarf. My curiosity was peaked, so I gave it a shot. I couldn’t quite get the instructions so off to YouTube I went. This is where I learned and still learn to improve my skills. I didn’t photograph that series of knots and dropped stitches. It was a nightmare, so much so that I should have stopped but I didn’t.
It’s truly a good thing that I don’t do drugs, because I have such an addictive personality. When I fall in love I fall hard, so when I tell you knitting and yarn is my Babe, believe me. Anyway, the channels I fell in love with and still frequent to this day on YouTube are Knit Freedom and KnitsbyJudy. There are others but that is a different post. Those ladies posted tutorials that I could follow and we were off to the races. Below is my first hat and scarf set.
I wasn’t confident in my knitting so I stopped until I saw Jasmine making a hat at work. Omg! I begged her to make me one and she promptly said NO! YOU make it!
After the shock wore off. I was like “Jas I can’t do that!” to which she replied go to Michael’s and get this stuff (hands me a list). Of course I did as instructed because I am a good student and this my fiber friends was my first real hat, complete with ribbed band and seed stitch body, Ha!
With Each project I became more and more confident. When I told myself I could do it, I DID and I can’t stop.
Your post really got to me today. I initially noticed it on Google +, and hopped over here to WordPress to read it. Thank you for sharing your story about how knitting has given you more confidence, and kudos to your friend for encouraging you.
For some reason lately I have been feeling kind of down, and last week I felt like returning to crocheting, since I haven’t done it in a while. Maybe it is just what I need to get out of my current slump.
I just really appreciate your post. I believe that sometimes we stumble across things for a reason, and I think today, I found your post for a reason. Thank you.
I am so very happy my post helped. I am very familiar with feeling kind of down and I thank God for my yarn on a daily basis. My yarn doesn’t ask questions or judge, it does what ever I need it to do. Here’s to feeling better my new fiber friend
I agree that knitting is a great craft to learn to give you a confidence boost. Most people I know in the knitting community already learned to knit as a child. That wasn’t the case for me and when I reached my 20s and got interested in it, I had to teach myself. At first you feel like it is impossible, but it is amazing how fast you can pick something up. And like you I just became addicted to it!
I’m glad you didn’t stop because I love your work
Thank you and im still searching for that sweater
LOL I forgot but great
I can’t imagine my life without yarn art. It isn’t something I do, it’s what and who I am.
I love that definition! Yes!! Thanks for sharing
I Have to agree that knit freedom.com has some of the best tutorials online. I learned continental from her. Liat is a great knitting teacher.
Yes Liat is my boo! LOL!