You might be a YarnHo if…come see if you are


A YarnHo = a yarn lover who has yarn hidden in trunk of the car and other places, yet still purchases more yarn. A YarnHo will drive great distances to obtain new yarn…hell she/he will skip a meal, have yarn delivered to the hotel and run faster than ever to make it to a yarn sale. I have been known to do all of these things and wondered if I was alone.


Well today I posted a picture on Instagram and I said fill in the blank: You Might be a YarnHo if…and the hilarity that followed almost left me without a voice. I love my fiber friends. I laughed until I cried today. Here are some of my favorites:

You jump back whenever you open a closet door….YARN AVALANCE -bjralston

When I need to buy more storage containers for the overwhelming amount of yarn I bought because there was a SALE, I HAD A COUPON AND I GOT A MILITARY DISCOUNT 😛 -sybilmind

Whenever you spend money on anything else (you know rent, grocery shopping, taxes) all you think is “I could have bought so much yarn with that” -rgvldn

You set your alarm for 2am just to catch an update (true story, and another reason I need to move to North America) -rgvldn

You cut back on meals to save money for yarn, but not on a diet -mrssmith61508

If you have more YARN than clothes, shoes or food…yup! I am a certified #YarnHo -zeemailady

Your regular UPS driver knows where to hide packages, and doesn’t make deliveries when he sees your husband’s car (true story)-amgknit

If you plan in your will who gets your yarn because they know it’s value and would appreciate it. –Renée Ingram Cheatham

If you keep the key to your stash room in a secret location –LaNita Wilson

You call the closet where your yarn hides the Yarn Fortress -amgknit


I mean I thought I was bad, opening suitcases full of yarn you FORGOT you had or when the clerk at the hotel says “Miss Gaye, you have a package but I don’t think it’s yarn though..”  Wait what? Lmaooooo how she know I get yarn delivered to the hotel? and so what? hahahahahahahaa


Are you a YarnHo? You might just be…let’s discuss

Knit on my fiber friends…knit on



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