Every now and then I will grab a bunch of hanks to wind them into cakes…..just in case. Just in case I grow another set of dayum arms and can knit two things at once. Just in case I hit the lottery and I can knit all day and night in my studio. Yes I would get a studio. A studio full of yarn, organized by weight and color. Just in case I actually get to the bottom of my never ending favorites list on Ravelry. Yes just in case.
I mean you have to have yarn that’s ready to knit up at all times. I mean what if you finish and you don’t have anything set up to do next?
I have resorted to carrying extra yarn and needles for my….yup you guessed it: my just in case project 😆😂 I know I need help. I know I can’t be the only one that has the yarn but not the time.
Let’s discuss
I thought I was the only one who would get a studio! Lol My just in case projects are actually projects I have that I’ve planned out. I’ve cut down my yarn buying (gasp…I know)
I’m trying to do that as well
I have half a room full of yarn. Husband is not happy.
Lol I took over my daughters room when she left for college but uhm she’s back 👀
I would probably do the exact same thing if I won the lottery. Wouldn’t it be great is we had an extra set of arms?
Omg yes!