The Wool Walk is happening people! Guess who will be home to participate? That would be me *raises hand*
Last year I was in Florida and missed it. I was so very sad. But this year I wool participate. LOL! I may not be able to purchase a lot, but I will definitely go and record the happenings. This is a YarnHo Holiday! hahahahahaaa I am so excited!!
What is a wool walk?
The walk is 4 days of full of yarn, fiber friends and all things related to knitting, crocheting and hell anything that requires yarn. You can find the details here. So grab your best sneakers and your bag; you get a bag when you purchase your passport. I read they are both $6 (bag and passport) and can be purchased at any of the participating shops.
Participating yarn Shops
This is why I feel blessed, there are 14, yes I wrote FOUR TEEN shops included. My goal is to visit all fourteen. I have to map out my route, but I am going. I have been so sad lately and this will absolutely make me feel better, because 14 yarn shops
GG you have 14 yarn shops around you? Yea I do and I few of them I have never set foot in, so look out here I come. Below is the list of shops that will be participating
Oh, man, I am SO jealous! But I do look forward to your reporting!
Also, I don’t know if “Wool WALK” is literal or not, but I found a really helpful driving route planner online, where you list your several addresses (in your case up to 14 – FOURTEEN!!!) – and it comes up with all the alternate routes you can take and ranks them in order of time, gas, or mileage saved. So like if you were going to do one sub-set of say, five stores on one day, you’d list those days (you can put your home address as the start and stop site, too), it’d give you the best route (you pick the “best” from the routes it gives you) in terms of mileage, time, or fuel. So here’s the URL for the Driving Route Planner (did I mention it’s free?): If you have questions you can email me! (I think you can see my email address?)
Got to have energy left when you GET to the stores, to do the shopping, right? Go, GG!
Dang it – should edit BEFORE hitting Send:
Should have been “So like if you were going to do one sub-set of say, five stores on one day, you’d list those ADDRESSES”.
Yes this is awesome! Thanks!
Have fun!
That’s the plan
Can’t wait to see what treasures you find. Have a fun time!
I will show what I see don’t know how much I will purchase