Well that is what “they” say..whoever “they” are, lol! The other day my Shelbey and I went to Ikea to get her some new bed linens. She was kind enough to get her mommy a new set too. She is such a good soul :p
As you all know orange is a color that I like a little bit. As you can I did NOT get an orange duvet but I did want orange accents. So I picked up a 36×36 pillow and decided I would knit a cover. NOW, I instantly thought I can just find a pattern on Ravelry right? WRONG and only because of the dimensions. I found plenty of patterns but not one for my sized pillow.
I found a site that helped with the math. You know that math that determines how many inches you want and how you determine the cast on number? The same math I should have done with my Helix striped cowl, you know what I am talking about right? The site I used can be found here it’s a blog called Knitting with Karma and the post is FABULOUS! The formula is inches x stitches per inch = cast on number. I already know I need 36 inches I just had to figure out the stitches per inch, which meant, *insert horror film music* SWATCHING LOL what? You know I am the founding member of #teamlazyashell and the VP of #justletmeknit so that whole knitting of the baby square business is not for me, BUT I did it! Hell I had to, the label didn’t tell me..hahahahahaahahahaha. WHAT?? if it’s on the damn label NO I am not doing a swatch. They know what they are talking about. Besides I was being a big girl knitter this time around damn it. So I wound my hank into a cake and got started.
The yarn, are you drooling? I know right…I got it from Vogue Knitting Live and it is called Fedderbrook Farm SUPER FLUFFY chunk. TUH, I had to get it! It’s bulky and it’s orange. SOLD! I did 2 swatches O-o yup you read it right..I did it twice. I am all mature and stuff! I used a us17 & 19 and the result was 2.5 stitches per inch on the smaller and 2 stitches per inch on the bigger needle. This is where you grab your phone to do the math 36 x 2.5 =90 or 36 x 2 = 72 and that is your cast on number. NOW can one of you tell me WHY I had been avoiding this? Not hard at all. They even give you the formula to determine the number of rows too: inches x rows per inch = #of rows. This post gives you tons of formulas so check it out!
I casted on and I feel good, but then I am like wait, do I have enough yarn? O_O
Knit on my fiber friends…knit on
Hey, sweetie, knowing you, you’re halfway or more done with that pillow cover already, but in case not, may I suggest you take a hard look at your numbers again? This statement: “the result was 2.5 inches per stitch on the smaller and 2 inches per stitch on the bigger needle” does not line up with the picture of the stitch gauge against your swatch. I’m thinking you have it right in your head but it came out of the fingertips incorrectly, because that swatch is showing 2.5 stitches per inch, not 2.5 inches per stitch, which is what you typed.
Right lol that is what I meant. Thank you
I fixed it thank you
Yes that is why I love the chunky stuff. My problem is I don’t have enough so I had to use something else with it. Not sure if I’m loving it or not
Oh no!!! That’s terrible. Have you thought of using one type of yarn for the front, and one for the back instead of using just one yarn for the whole piece? I hope you’re able to manipulate it into something you can enjoy.
I am working on that now, turns out the cast on was too much so I took the whole thing out and am starting again
Oh good. I hope it works up better this time.
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I have seen your posts in the knitting Facebook group. Didn’t make the connection until i recognized your summer shawl/scarf that you were wearing as a WIP when you got cold.
Love your blog! Came across it when I Googled the yarnit. Is that a knitting journal you are using??? What a wonderful idea. All of my things are on different pieces of paper thrown in a folder in a tub. Happy Knitting!
Thank you for reading! I try so hard to be organized but I don’t always succeed :p