Reasons to knit according to uh…Me!

1. Because why not?
2. Because Downton Abbey will have it’s last season and I know I will see someone knit now, right?
3. Because YouTube shows you how and when a tutorial exists and you don’t do it. Go ahead, hang your head, shame on you

4. Because the sun rises and then it sets and someone can die yarn in those colors, so yea KNIT!
5. Because Ryan Gosling is fine as frog hairs and apparently it turns him on #heygirl
6. Because On Twitter…there is a hashtag so it’s required #knitting
7. Because there are 7 days in a week
8. Because Vogue has a magazine and website dedicated to it…. So get your life together
9. Because my mother would crawl out of her grave if I publicly admitted I was a hooker
10. Because they do it on Orange is the new Black, and YOU are free!
10a. Because on that episode of GOT, wait no that was True Blood right? No?
10 1/2.  Because Christmas  is coming

And Bonus reason:
11. Because that girl on that movie, what’s it called? You know she wore that cowl that EVERYONE knit but me.

Why do you knit?

Knit on my fiber friends…knit on

0 thoughts on “Reasons to knit according to uh…Me!”

  1. I LOVE your blog!!! Words of wisdom abound.. LOL.. A fellow Yarnho, I confess I had to hide my cards and limit my cash because my stash is way out of control. I only have my bedroom (but luckily the closet is for stash purposes) after an online shopping spree I realized if I kept this pace I would be loosing my bed. I tried design storage space that would hang from the ceiling, but my housemate (sister) discovered my plans and that night she held in intervention. Needless to say I agreed to finish the WIP’s and the WTF;s would be rewound into balls. I agreed to purchase only yarns that were required to complete a project. (I have several shawl patterns that I never decided the 2 or 3 coordinating colors) I did purge my stash of yarns that had no idea what I was thinking, but probably because it was on sale or just the fact that it was there and I had not bought yarn in a few days.
    I am envious of your upcoming days at Stitches… I missed my chance at the Stitches Atlanta, I think that was during one of my surgery weeks. I vow to be able to walk or at least wheel myself around for the next close event!!
    Looking forward to reading/catching up on your blog.. I am trying to get the courage up to start a blog of my own. Why bother when fantastic bloggers (such as yourself) exist!!!
    Have a fantastic day!!

    1. But do the Blog though, I too was like you, didn’t think anyone would care or read and you know what? SO! hahahahahaha I enjoy doing it! You have a wonderful day too!

      1. Had a rough day, but it’s better now. I may seriously think about the blog, I tend to write novels to my friends via email.. maybe a blog would relieve them of having to read my ramblings and words that should be spoken to someone else, LOL Oh well, I’m going to spend the evening frogging out at least one of the WTF’s. I found a circular needle that I thought I had lost months ago, it had 2 rows of some type of lace pattern case on, but dang if I could figure out what/how/why it was there, who placed it in the bin with the leftover yarns. Oh well, more yarn to play with right? Have a great evening!!

  2. Pingback: When your UFO turns into WITEH! | The Confessions of a Yarnho

  3. 11. Outlander! It was the Outlander series that I read but never watched! From what I understand, it should be mandatory for all knitters and crocheters to watch this! I need some premium channels.

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