Happy Saturday My Fiber Friends!!
It’s time to shine the light on another super creative soul! I would like to introduce you to the owner of DGITcrochet (don’t get it twisted), Yolanda Jordan! Yes YESSSS she is in front of a yarn store in LONDON! How Awesome is that!! I saw that pic on IG and turned green instantly! What did we do before social media? Please know that I have social media to credit for this jewel as well as all of the other folks I have featured. If I remember correctly I found her on FB or was it InstaGram? I don’t know, but I can tell you this is what caught my eye
that big Gold Cowl and I have been a fan ever since. Yolanda is another Gem who was very gracious with her time and knowledge, she was very helpful when it came to Etsy..Thank you girl 🙂 As always I am pleased as punch that she took the time to share with me. So grab your coffee or tea and listen in while we chat
Hi Gaye!
Hey Yolanda!!
I am so excited about this feature. Thank you so much for having me on your blog. I had a blast in London. I did purchase some wonderful yarn but not nearly as much as I wanted to as the conversion from dollars to pounds is almost doubled. Anyway I plan to blog about my little adventure and the yarn I did get in the next few days.
YOU? Imagine me, I have always been a fan and I am so grateful you had the time to talk to me. Girl I would have been #brokeinlondon hahahahahahaa, I have no control and I would have lost it!
So to answer your questions…
Don’t Get it Twisted Crochet will officially be four years old in November this year, however I didn’t start to take my business seriously until midway of year two.
Ok, so how did you learn, who taught you?
I first learned how to crochet when I was 7 years old from my great Aunt. I put my hooks down in high school and college because everyone said it was for old ladies, but picked them back up in 2008 and I have been hookin’ every since.
LOL not HOOKIN’ hahahahahahaaa! So do you knit to?
I do knit but very little, crochet has my heart and I feel like I am cheating on my crochet lover whenever I pick up needles.
HA! Crochet was my first love and knitting is definitely my current lover, so I get it! So tell me how did you transition into selling your handmade items?
I first started selling items simply to cover the cost of yarn and because my friends demanded to pay me something, As the requests started coming in more frequently I thought I needed to start charging for my time as well, then in February 2012 my life completely changed when I was forced to voluntarily resign (political correct way to say I got fired) from my job that I had pretty much devoted my life too. It was during this time of unemployment that I took a different approach to DGiTCrochet and really looked at what type of business I wanted to have and started to believe that I could really sit at home and crochet all day haven’t quite made it there yet but I do work from home now for my “regular job” which allows for quite a bit of flexibility in how I run my business.
Girl, don’t I know about that voluntary resignation business, I too found myself with extra time on my hands so why not KNIT! Let me ask this, how has Social Media helped your growth?
As far as social media goes there would be no DGiTCrochet at least not at this level without social media. I would say about 90% of my business comes from social media, I still have a lot to learn as far as marketing goes but Pinterest and Facebook have been instrumental to my “success”.
Another thing we have in common, I posted a picture on FB and POW!! So let’s talk tools, what company would you say makes your FAVORITE crochet hook?
I would love to have crochet hooks made by Furls Crochet. They are completely out of my price range but I believe they are so worth it. If I am going the more practical route than Clover hooks are my absolute favorite.
Yes yes, those things are just DROOL worthy. I don’t know that I would actually use them for fear of damage. Here is a picture guys so you can drool with me…

OK back to you Yolanda, what would you say is your most memorable moment with DGITcrochet?
Most memorable moment would have to be finishing 20 scarves in 3 days for one order. It was my largest order to date and I was just amazed that someone trusted me that much with gifts for their loved ones.
WOW did you say 20? My goodness you are good!!! So for those reading and dreaming of venturing out there, what advice would you share?
My advice would be to treat your business like a business and don’t under value your work. I will be the first to admit that I still struggle with pricing but once I have made up my mine on pricing for a particular item I will not let anyone haggle me or feel bad for what I choose to charge. Yes I charge $20 for a hat, yes I know you can get a hat from Wal-Mart for $5. Yes I still charge $20 for a hat and it is my most popular and most sold item in fact I probably should be charging more than $20. So if you make the decision to start selling items take a real hard look at the numbers and make sure you are being paid what you and your work are worth.
Girl that is another post for another day…that pricing thing. Well I am done being nosey, I love your story and YOU!! Keep up the great work my friend! I wish you the best!
Gaye, I just want to say thank you again for giving me this opportunity. I am so excited with what you are doing and always look forward to your videos.
You are more than welcome!! Ok folks I will share some more pics and if you want to follow Yolanda hit the links below.
dgitcrochet.com (goes to my etsy)
Dgitcrochet.blogspot.com (blog)
Really enjoyed this post. One of my favorites!
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