Hello and welcome to the first #TechniqueTuesday of the year. I have a question, to seam or not to seam..what do you do? I always post a Technique on my Facebook page but I have to do better at including it here as well. I am a work in progress so bare with me, ok?
Yesterday I finished my second project from my favorite knitting book ever! You know the book it’s called Weekend, Simple, Modern Knits, yea the one I am giving a way, what? you didn’t know about the giveaway? Are you serious? I guess I will forgive you…go to this blog post right here. Anyway, the pattern is called Valhalla and it comes in 2 versions, seamed or seamless. I decided to seam because there is something about that kitchener stitch and provisional cast on that makes me shake in my proverbial boots. I mean ordinarily, I am no punk, but…well I have tried and was semi successful but lol, yea I am stuttering because well…I guess I am a punk when it comes to certain techniques. We will talk about that another time, today I want talk about seaming and your favorite technique. I didn’t realize there were so many different ways, but I know now.
The first technique I learned is the Mattress Stitch. This post on Knitty.com shows a very good pictorial of this magical seam. I learned this when I did the Easy Folded Poncho. You couldn’t tell me anything. I was a PROfessional! hahahaahahaa! There is also the Knit Stitch and I want to learn this one as it looks so clean and polished. I believe that is the point of seaming to finish your hard work in a professional manner. Another technique I am familiar with and very comfortable doing is the Whip Stitch. I mean this is how we are all taught to sew anyway, so this technique came naturally for me. I also recently learned while knitting the Fearless Cardigan the Back Stitch which was new and easy to do. I loved the outcome. There are so many options and I love Aunty Google for going and getting then when needed. I am certain I am leaving some out, but you get the point, right?
I can’t end this post without talking about the Kitchener Stitch or at least provide you with a link to show you how if you are interested in learning. I also have to say it’s not a difficult, I just have to look it up each time I am brave enough to try it, because Lazy! LOL! Purl Soho has a nice tutorial check it out!
Ok now it’s your turn, what is your favorite way to seam your wonderful handmade items? Let’s discuss
Knit on my fiber friends…..knit on
There is a great Mattress Stitch tutorial from Purl Soho which showed me EXACTLY how wrong I was doing it before! I have now taken notes and love it, especially the part where you get to tighten the yarn and magically ‘zip’ the stitches together…. I’m taking a seaming masterclass at VKL, so will hopefully end up with a few new techniques under my belt 😀
Oh that’s super cool! Enjoy!
I have used the mattress stitch and truly love it, it’s my fall back and I am scarred of the Kitchener stitch lol. But the knit stich I am learning and the rest I am off to check out, ty for all this wonderful info to learn and I will be brave.. TY
Lol thank YOU for reading! 😘
I am very fearful of seaming. Have to admit that the few headbands I have made I used the whip stitch. The few sweaters I have made are top down raglan selves so no seaming. I do want to learn new seaming technics, so this goes on my New Year’s resolutions list. Thanks!
You can do it! I will admit some of my first attempts are raggedy! Lol but I just kept practicing