I am completely blown away by the continued support on my Call To Action: Stand in the Gap! If you are not familiar with my call to action, here is a simple explanation. All I ask is that you take action against racism. I simply want you to stop turning away when it happens in your presence. That action could be supporting a fundraiser as many of you have. The fundraisers have been mind blowing..including the one happening right now. See this post here
The reaction to the T-shirts have been overwhelming. I can’t thank you all enough. You can grab STAND IN THE GAP ✊🏾 Merch here
I am happy to announce that Stickers have been added to the mix. For those of us that love stickers, this one has a powerful message. They retail for only $2.00 + shipping and just for total transparency, 100% of the proceeds go to ME! 🙂 thanks for your support.

Thank you in advance for your purchase. My wish is that this sticker will start a conversation. A conversation that will help get us closer to the end of racism in America.
I think this sticker will look super cute next to the Magpie Fibers sticker on your Stand in the Gap tumbler. I’m just saying 🙂
I received my Stand in the Gap sticker yesterday. Love the message, love the design, and love the ORANGE! envelope it came in. Thank you!