Stash: a place for yarn


Stash, we all have one. It is the place our yarn lives..the place that patterns wait to be made AND it is a Store in St Petersburg Florida that I had the honor of visiting today. The store has the best name if you ask me. Stash, a place for yarn...perfect! We all know my stash is decent and I need not purchase another skein of yarn EVER..we know that..but so what! We also know that when I travel, operation find the yarn goes into effect. I confess, no matter where I go, that is the most exciting part of my trip. LOL! I have issues, deal with it!

Well usually I ask Siri to find me some local yarn shops but this time I went to the fiber family on Facebook and Instagram and this place was mentioned a few times. It is located on he cutest street in St Petersburg and was less than 30 minutes away from the hotel. The drive had a nice view and the temperature was perfect. I find the shop without issue, lucked up and parked right in front of the place and instantly fell in love as this sign is the first thing I see


I couldn’t agree more, so into the store I went and was instantly greeted by the owner. Bonus: you guys know a friendly staff is a must for me and she passed that test with flying colors. We chatted like old knitting friends. I asked if I could take pics for my blog, we chuckled over the blog titled and she informed me that she is having a Malabrigo trunk show! No I didn’t ask if I could spend the night and No she didn’t have to have me dragged out! hahahahahahahahahhaa I will simply go back is all. Lol


When I thought of what I would write about this little fiber filled treasure, I instantly thought of words like cozy, inviting, and quaint. Stash is not bursting at the seams with yarn, yet it has just enough. Does that make sense?



They had just the right amount of yarn to keep me intrigued. Nice colors, nice samples, I mean just an overall nice place. I spotted a shawl pin that I couldn’t leave there because it had orange in it, and you all know that I wouldn’t, couldn’t not buy it right? AND the local yarn that I purchased, has orange in it as well. What?! I like what I like. I also purchased a stitch marker, like I need another one of them..but you know I must support when I can. I must feed my stash! hahahahahahahahahahahah



So what did you think GG? Is that your question? Well I said I would go back right? There it is, I approved this yarn store. LOL!! So if you find yourself in sunny Florida in the Tampa area..go check it out! You won’t be disappointed.


Knit on my fiber friends…knit on



8 thoughts on “Stash: a place for yarn”

  1. I am amazed that you found a little gem of a yarn store in Florida, where the temperature doesn’t go below 65 in the winter! Did they have a decent cotton section?

  2. Love to read about LYSs. It makes sense that there was enough yarn. What used to be my favorite LYS is now #2 or 3 because there is too much yarn. My favorite shop is like you explain this one – quaint, cozy with just enough yarn.

  3. Enjoy your blogs so much. Get to “yarn travel” with you. The yarn you purchased at the Stash is gorgeous! Orange is my new color! Can I also just mention that after loving your pictures of knits and
    Reading , enjoying your blog, your
    jewelry is the best too! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Well, this was a treat – as always! – on a day I needed a treat.

    Have you been to any good yarn stores in the Atlanta GA area, Gaye?

    One of my favorite yarn shops was found while on vacation, and I still mail-order from her regularly. Bless her, and women like her, for keeping our inspiration fired-up and our needles active! (She even tells me when a yarn is being discontinued, and shh! I’m about to make a huge order of one of my favorites.)

    Knit on, all, and thank you Gaye for your blog, and being YOU!


    1. Nope haven’t been to a yarn store in GA yet, but trust and believe if I have reason to be there I will find it. What is the name of this lovely place Margaret? AND thank you for taking the time to read. Knit on!!

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