This yarn was given to me, so I give it to you in this fabulous shawl, designed by Taiga Hilliard and photographed by Patty McGuire.
Ok I am so sure you all are tired of me and these patterns. This is the last one for a bit, I think. So Taiga Hilliard+Tjockt yarn+PattyMcGuire= THIS

Introducing Martta the Merino from Tjockt presented to you in Agate Beach, another pattern from Taiga Hilliard designs.  So you all remember the video when I got mail and almost cried on camera? Well I had to make something that was worthy of that beautiful yarn. I wanted to be able to display it in such a way that you all would understand. Come on yarn lovers…ya’ll know what I am trying to say. So when Taiga asked me to test and this is the first one I made, by the way….I had NO decisions to make. I would without doubt use this beautiful yarn. The smile on my face says it all.
Now for those that knit, you know a pattern and yarn have to vibe..they have to play nice in the sandbox….well this was love at first site…the yarn overs and this yarn on my us19s was music, it was like watching folks make out in public…you want to look away but you can’t; yes THAT!! AND then insert Patty McGuire…my God! I couldn’t have planned a better way to say thank you to Maria from TJockt! Let me stop talking and let you look.
Wait the details:
the pattern is here–>
the yarn you can get here –>
need to have pics taken?–>

I love the vibrant purple. You and your photographer work well together. I’ve been enjoying all your work. Keep it up!
Thank you very much! It was 100 degrees out there, but she made it fun
I’ve been loving your Knit & Chat posts! You are a doll and born to model knitwear!
Hi Lauren! Welcome and thank you!
All these bulky weight shawls you keep coming up with look stunning on you. Vivid colors. Just perfect.
Thank you! The designer knows I love bulky yarn