So despite my utter infatuation with my beloved yarn, she (my yarn) can’t do it all alone. Well, she can but that’s another post for another day. Let me get to the point…pun intended :).
I have been knitting for roughly 3 or 4 years and have grown accustomed to the fact that each project brings about a new skill. What I was surprised to learn was all the different types of needles. The first pattern that required DPNs made me say “wait, WHAT!?”. Yea I say that a lot, anyway, thank God for my other love Google. I discovered that DPNs means double-pointed needles, which are normally used when making socks or closing the top of hats. Then I came across a pattern that required the use of circular needles; which I quickly fell in love with and is what I use most often, no matter the project.

So not only do needles come in a variety of types (straight, double-pointed and circular) they also come in a variety of sizes. You can purchase a needle in a size “yea right” US 0 (smallest) to a “OMG” US 150 (largest I have seen) and I have them all. Wait, you all don’t know about Go-Girl Knitting and her Giants? I love my GIANTS!! Go ahead and say it, “GG you are out of control!”. Hey! no judging hahahahahahahaha! I think you all know that I am a Chunky Yarn lover, so the large needles make me super happy. Can you say instant gratification? Can you say a beautiful scarf/cowl in a few hours? Ok let me calm down.

I even have a pair of needles that are triangle, yup found them on Etsy. I thought they were so cool. I can’t say that I have used them yet (I have issues, don’t judge me). I do however, have a little more control when it comes to needles in comparison to my yarn.

So which needle is the best? I am still searching for that needle I can’ t live without. I talked about types, sizes and now lets talk materials. Knitting needles can be made of plastic, bamboo, wood, and metal. I have used them all at one point or another. If I had to pic a favorite material, I would lean towards wood. The metal needles scare me. I always feel like my stitches will slide off and we can’t have that!
How much do they cost you ask? Well just like all things the scale goes from cheap to say what? Some of my favorite brands are Lantern Moon, KnitPicks and my dream, Signature Needle Arts. Oh my goodness those signature needles are so sexy, woo wee!!! Addi lace is another popular brand that I just recently acquired. What? This is a judge free zone, remember?
As you can see, the point can vary, lol. When you are shopping for knitting needles, be prepared whether you go to a local yarn store or order online. You will have options.
Remember with every stitch, always weave in a ‘lil love.
I have needle issues too. I first started with bamboo and only bought the Addi’s bc the LYS didn’t have the bamboos that I needed. It was all down hill from there. Different needles work better with different yarn, right now Hiya Hiyas are my favorite sock needles.
Awww don’t get me started..going to see what these needles are all about. Thanks for stopping thru
My favorite is wood also. Someone just asked me the other day which do I prefer straight or circle. Circle all the way baby.
See we are on the same page…Circular all day long, no matter the project. I just love all the room to hold my stitches.
Addi turbos all the way baby!!
Christine I haven’t fallen in love with them yet, I have to use them more I think.
You’ll love the addis… I used to knit pretty exclusively on Clover Bamboo needles, but once my fingers got used to knitting with metal (it did take a while, especially since I tend to do a lot of projects on tiny needles) I have been an addi-holic 🙂
Hey Jodi!!
you are the reason I tried them. I have to keep using them to get over my fear. LOL! Thanks for visiting
Q – Keep looking for the needle in the haystack! Ah, the needle conundrum. Back in the dark ages, aka the 1950’s, when mom first taught me how to knit there certainly was not the variety of needles which are available today! Think Boyle. Think wooden and plastic needles which were so awful they would curve. LOL! Ah, the good old days.
You certainly have a beautiful selection. There isn’t anything as beautiful as wood. Yikes! I have a huge selection of circular needles from every type of maker; Clover, Knitpicks, Hiya Hiya, Addi, etc. Love them all. If my stupid hands are having problems I use wood. Only use circular less stress on my old shoulders and hands.
Cost? Let’s look at the perspective I use on my husband. Cheaper that being addicted to alcohol, coke, other drugs AND they don’t get used up! LOL! An addiction? Yep! But a healthy one. LOL!
See I LOVE how you think!! Health is what is important here, am I right? Well then probably solved!
Q – Absolutely. I was surrounded by artistic women growing up. You express yourself your way! And everyone has their favorite “tools” to use, and favorite medium. I was so blessed.