The weekend 

the weekend was pretty quiet in regards to knitting.  I didn’t start a new project because I was focused on getting the honeycomb stitch right.  

I saw a video and wanted to try I out. All was going well until I came across one video that demonstrated honeycomb brioche stitch and the other simply said honeycomb

The Brioche version required knitting one below (k1b) and the other version required yarn overs (yo) and slipped stitches. So I decided to swatch both techniques for no other reason other than curiosity. Here is the end result 



Which one do you like best? Have you worked with either of these stitches? Let’s discuss in the comments.

So as you can I see I was basically minding my fiber business until I was invited into this knitting group on FB. Now I normally avoid these groups because I am allergic to nonsense 😒. But I went and looked around and this is where I spotted them. Have you guys seen them yet? Seen what you ask? The pajamas with the sheep and yarn from target? Lol you have to watch my video here and here 

Of course I went looking and they didn’t have any more wide ass sizes left so my heart was broke 😏. I came home and check on line 😾 who was supposed to tell me about these BEFORE they sold out every catslappin place? Huh? Who? 


Cue the closing scene from Waiting to exhale, when they are singing 🎤 That’s what friends are for🎤 my girlfriend found them 💃💃🙌😍 I was so happy as is evident in the video 👆up there. She got me the shorts and the pants! Woot woot! 


Aren’t they cute? Not only the sheep and the yarn but the heart between them just did it for me. I can’t wait to get them and put them on and model 😋

How was your weekend? 

Knit on my fiber friends…knit on


0 thoughts on “The weekend ”

  1. Only you my love would be searching the state for a pair of yarn/sheep/heart pajamas and I love it! Glad you found them and are so happy, now we need to see a video with you modeling them 🙂

  2. Girl you are not going to believe this…I taught myself and started a honeycomb brioche scarf this weekend and I absolutely LOVE IT!! The squishiness factor is important for me (sometimes) and this stitch is creating the greatest squishy fabric. I love it. Regular honeycomb stitch doesn’t supply any squish factor(at least for me) 🙂 Do you have a favorite one?
    I love that “I am allergic to nonsense” I get that completely. And that sheep reminds me, when you sign into Ravelry, there is a sheep well the sheep on those pj’s reminds of that sheep. How cute are they. Can’t wait do see you model them!
    I am going to make my first cup of coffee and get back to that scarf. Have an amazing day. Muah.

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