Let’s throwback to 2 years ago yesterday. On May 24, 2015, I finished my first, what I would call major, project. Two years ago yesterday I bound off and just took a moment to bask in the glow of my pride. I made Spring Fever, yea I did!
Why is this a big deal? Why am I doing a throwback post about this particular project? Well because I was sure I couldn’t do it. Can I be transparent for a moment? I gravatted towards the fat fibers was because I didn’t think I had the skill to do something with small yarn and needles. I didn’t believe in myself. Can you imagine GG with US6 needles and fingering weight yarn?
For some reason I associated small needles and yarn with skill. If you let me tell the story, I am a new knitter and am still learning. I always say I want to make a sweater, like I haven’t made one a few times. I don’t know why I down play my own abilities, but what I should say is I want to make a fingering weight sweater. In my mind a sweater like that will make me legitimate.
All that I stated above is why this project has such significance for me. When I tell you I was blow away with pride..blown completely away! Then for me to luck upon a professional photo shoot with Patty Mac..man listen this will forever and always be a turning point in my knitting.
So when I said last weekend my life was made, I meant that from my core. I couldn’t even imagine being able to meet the designer behind such a pivotal project in my knitting life, but that happened.
If you are reading this post and you have ever doubted your abilities, please just try. If I had stayed in my head instead of casting on, I would have never known I could. It’s an old sentiment, but it’s so true. If you think you can’t, you won’t.
Knit on my fiber friends….knit on
Thanks Auntie GG:) I definitely have a lot of doubts about my knitting abilities. You’re right: “If you think you can’t, you won’t.” i’m working on that internally.
You got this
I purchased some yarn to start practicing on. I’m excited!
I stand in the place you wee in two years ago . As you know it is not a good one. thank iii for
the hope that comes with your message. YOU GO GIRL11
Good stuff! Just go for it
Are you will ing to share the pattern you used two years ago?? It is lovely!!
Thank you ever so much
Hi click on the name Spring Fever and it will take you to the pattern
It’s always wonderful to see a friend build up their confidence and belief in themselves! Change takes courage AND imagination and you have both! Rocketh thee on, Yarnho!
hahahahahahah not Rocketh thee on! I love it! hahahahahahahahahaaa Thank you!