Spring Fever

Throwback Thursday | 2 years ago I finished Spring Fever

Let’s throwback to 2 years ago yesterday. On May 24, 2015, I finished my first, what I would call major, project. Two years ago yesterday I bound off and just took a moment to bask in the glow of my pride. I made Spring Fever, yea I did! 

Why is this a big deal? Why am I doing a throwback post about this particular project? Well because I was sure I couldn’t do it. Can I be transparent for a moment? I gravatted towards the fat fibers was because I didn’t think I had the skill to do something with small yarn and needles. I didn’t believe in myself. Can you imagine GG with US6 needles and fingering weight yarn? 

For some reason I associated small needles and yarn with skill. If you let me tell the story, I am a new knitter and am still learning. I always say I want to make a sweater, like I haven’t made one a few times. I don’t know why I down play my own abilities, but what I should say is I want to make a fingering weight sweater. In my mind a sweater like that will make me legitimate.

All that I stated above is why this project has such significance for me. When I tell you I was blow away with pride..blown completely away! Then for me to luck upon a professional photo shoot with Patty Mac..man listen this will forever and always be a turning point in my knitting.


So when I said last weekend my life was made, I meant that from my core. I couldn’t even imagine being able to meet the designer behind such a pivotal project in my knitting life, but that happened.

If you are reading this post and you have ever doubted your abilities, please just try. If I had stayed in my head instead of casting on, I would have never known I could. It’s an old sentiment, but it’s so true. If you think you can’t, you won’t.

Knit on my fiber friends….knit on



9 thoughts on “Throwback Thursday | 2 years ago I finished Spring Fever”

  1. Thanks Auntie GG:) I definitely have a lot of doubts about my knitting abilities. You’re right: “If you think you can’t, you won’t.” i’m working on that internally.

  2. GG
    I stand in the place you wee in two years ago . As you know it is not a good one. thank iii for
    the hope that comes with your message. YOU GO GIRL11

  3. It’s always wonderful to see a friend build up their confidence and belief in themselves! Change takes courage AND imagination and you have both! Rocketh thee on, Yarnho!

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