So let’s throwback to the little girl who grew up in the projects, who never thought she was good enough, pretty enough, who always worked extra hard to make others proud. Then move forward to a point where she dared to fall in love with a craft (knitting) that most folks like her didn’t embrace. Then find yourself in the here and now and zoom in to see her looking at her phone in tears. She is crying hard but not for a bad reason….she is crying because today SHE is proud of her!

She is crying because that little black girl from Paterson is featured in a newspaper in SCOTLAND! She dared to be who she is and look at her!!
She is also crying because she wishes her parents could see.
She wants you all to never ever NOT do as you desire. What’s for you will be.

GG made it all the way to Scotland 😱 My goal is to actually BE there next year. Ya’ll send up some good vibes for me.

Let’s also throwback to last week, because I posted a YouTube video for the first time in a very long time. It has been months since I uploaded and quite a while since I blogged too!
There has been so much going on in the Fiber Community lately. I admit I have been a little overwhelmed. Watch the video below to catch up!
NOTE: more details on the Poncho coming soon. I promise.
Knit on my fiber friends…knit on
Purl On, Girl.
Happy 4 u!
Love you
So proud of you! You represent the POC community well! Thank you for being out there for the rest of us!
Thank you!!
Great words.
Thank you
I just want to say I’m so glad to have found you. I love your warmth, your beautiful personality, your gorgeous face and the orange everything (having new-found respect for this colour as a direct result).
Thank you Jodi
You should be so proud 💗
Thank you
You are an inspiration. Even to this one, who is old enough to be your mother
I look your post and your videos, all the time. They put a smile on my face. I watch, while I knit.
Thank you for being you.
Thank you Noreen 🤗
Congratulations! That is so exciting and joyful!
Thank you Allison
Sending love from Dubai, sissy you are bada$$ and I am so so so very proud of you and all that is happening to and for you. I know the struggle, I know the work ethic but most IMPORTANTLY I know the heart ❤️ of the woman. You keep on rocking it out and we will keep on rocking with you. Do your thing and just keep riding the wave. 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Love you Sissy!
Dear GG
Just a few words from my heart to Thank You 🙏🏽I’m a Woman of Colour in the Southwest of the UK who grew up in a small town and for the most part I was the only one “like me”
I’m now almost 55 yrs old & at times I still feel that isolation (I would never admit it in front of friends I don’t think 🤔)
And now my health isn’t too great and is noticeable physically (I am a true Leo Woman Lol & it impacts on my Mental Health & how I see myself, negatively mostly ) and this is where YOU come in and give me strength to be ME… Thank You GG 🙏🏽 I have to pick up my Grandchildren from school today and I’m feeling a little more confident to do that for a moment 🙏🏽🧡🧡🧡
You go get them babies and hold your head high. Thank you for reading!
Scotland ! Congratulations !
I know right !
Thank you
So very very #alltheorangethings happy for you! Xx
Thank you Keke!
Thank you!!
Slàinte!! Knitting has woven so many bridges for me, I’ve lost count. The sticks and strings render conventional boundaries irrelevant! I began to knit as a college athlete back in the ’80s, to endure the endless bus miles. Knitting was considered a ‘Granny’ activity, and my friends poked friendly fun. Obstacles are there to make us better at leaping. 🙂 Hooray! For your big leap!
Thank you Beth!!
Go Girl! 🙂
and now i’m weepy for you. love.
Aww thank you!
Sending greetings and love from DC! My grandma taught me to knit when I was 4, I’ve been going ever since. I’m so glad you’ve brought the necessary attention to one of those things that so many of us do but people want to believe we don’t. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you for reading and commenting!!
So what kills me is I lived in central jersey 55 years without running I to you in the knit world! I move to Texas and get on Instagram and there you go!
When I look at you I see amazingly beautiful, charismatic, accomplished, gifted–Wow!
But, I think the Devil “Not Enough” haunts many of us. I know it does me.
YOU are enough. You ARE enough. You are ENOUGH.
Love to you, Knitting Sister
Aww thank you for that!!