Throwback Thursday, I think it started on Instagram or Twitter, not sure, but I know I love Thursday for more than just Scandal and Grey’s Anatomy. I love a good throwback photo and all the associated memories. The perfect throwback will also show you how much progress you have or have not made.
Do you guys remember this picture? That is when I got bit by the fat fiber bug. That is when I first got my baby Giants from Go-Girl Knitting and when I got my hands on my first big bumps from Caress Luxury Yarns on Etsy. That is when I became the CEO of #teamlazy because the speed at which you could produce a product was simply bananas.
When I think of it, this picture below is what got me going. I wanted that yarn, had to have it and I didn’t know enough at the time to realize this was roving or even what roving meant..but I wanted it. This is when I fell in love with the drama of the big stitch. I don’t know the source I am sure I found it on Pinterest and the hunt began. It would be years later when I would actually get my hands on some roving wool thanks to Tjockt!
AND then this picture sent me over the edge. I was like a woman obsessed. I had to have that Poncho..HAD TO!! I didn’t care how much I just had to have it! It’s funny how life works, Becca Smith, the owner of The Bagsmith, yup she is my friend. Love her dearly and I am so very happy I went to Stitches East that year, it was 2013 I think. I am so sure she thought I was insane. LOL! I was so very excited, I purchased my bump and made my Topper that weekend.
Do you have a throwback picture that inspired you in your craft? Let’s discuss
Knit on my fiber friends…knit on