Tis the Season for all the fiber related events and I am super excited. Below you will find my latest YouTube video with my thoughts, footage and my haul.
I also included information about other events that will take place this season. I just love when it’s time for all the Yarn Crawls and Wool walks. As I virtually walk around these cyber streets I found some events that I will list below.

Events of the Season
- San Diego Yarn Crawl – September 13th – 16th http://sandiegoyarncrawl.com/
- Wool Gathering 23rd Annual – September 15th & 16th https://youngsdairy.com/wool-gathering/
- Charlotte Area Yarn Crawl – September 21st thru 29th http://www.charlotteareayarncrawl.com/home.html
- NYC Yarn Crawl – September 28th thru 30th http://www.yarncrawlnyc.com/about.html
- Best Little Yarn Crawl in Texas – October 5th thru 14th https://thebestlittleyarncrawlintexas.com/
- Kings County Fiber Festival – October 6th 10-5pm https://www.kingscountyfiberfestival.org/
- I Love Yarn Day – October 13th https://www.craftyarncouncil.com/I-Love-Yarn
- NY Sheep & Wool Festival |RHINEBECK – October 18th thru 21st https://www.sheepandwool.com/

Each and every time I came across an event I would get so excited! My dream job is to travel the world and attend ALL the fiber related events. I would get to fond all of the yarns and report back to you guys. Wouldn’t that be a great job?
If you are wondering where you can catch me, I will definitely be attending Rhinebeck. I want to try and hit some of the NYC shops. I will be attending Kings County again. Check out the post from the last year.
My Haul
I didn’t do much shopping and if you watched the video you know why 🙁 But I did get a knit mat from Paige the Framer as well as tweed yarn from Chelsea yarns.

Knit on my fiber friends….knit on