VOGUEknitting Live: so much more than knitting

Day 2: work the marketplace

8:48 am I have to catch a train..wait what? it’s Saturday and I feel like I just went to sleep but it’s All about VOGUEknitting weekend rememeber? Duh!!

Well today my partner in crime is joining me and the plan is to hit the market hard. Well more like tap, rub even (I am unemployed so I can’t HIT anything. LOL!)  anyway, we met up in Penn Station, walked the few blocks to 42nd street and let the games begin.


10806290_10204452636370936_875489206715578503_nI love that my friend loves yarn as much as I do. First stop was the BagSmith, because well, I love them..they are family to me so I had to check in and make sure they were ok. Then we hit the Fiber Streets! LOL!

We started on the 6th floor because we had to get Teresa a bag and then we just started exploring. When I say it’s so much more than knitting, it’s the people, the rows and rows of like minded people. People who hit Times Square in 12 degree weather in order to BUY ALL THE YARN NOW!! The vendors who are brave enough to present their craft in hopes that you will trade your hard earned cash for said craft. All of them,  I can honestly say I have met some or the kindest people in the world. Conventions of this sort are meant for folks to touch and feel…EACH OTHER! LOL! This is the only place you can walk up to a complete stranger and fondle them. I mean it’s almost expected. I love walking through the chorus of “what pattern is that? Which yarn is that? What size needle did you use? Is that pattern on Ravelry? OMG did you feel this? It’s so soft!! Hahahahaha all music to my ears.

You know what else I love to hear? “Aren’t you GG?” and me answering “Yes I sure am!”  and discovering how they know me all while snapping a selfie of course! I even had someone say “aren’t you Sweetdrk1?” LOL that is my Ravelry name, but yes I am! It’s the people, you hear me, the people that make these events..trust me.  Oh wait, how can I forget the infamous, can you take our picture? As they hand you 5 phones to take said picture. hahahahahahaha I love it all, every moment.


Of course there was Y A R N!! and THAT will have a post of it’s own. I will share what I saw, what I touched, what I rubbed (shut up, you know you are a yarn rubber too) and what I purchased (shhh don’t tell anyone).

Stay tuned, I have one more day!

Knit on my fiber friends, knit on


P.S. the fashion show with Stephen West & Steven B…Bananas! Loved it!!

16 thoughts on “VOGUEknitting Live: so much more than knitting”

  1. OK, I just found your blog, and I have to say you have the BEST blog name in the history of all knitting blogs, ever. That’s all. You don’t need my approval, but by god you have it forever and ever. <3 Enjoy VKL!!

  2. OMGOSH!!!! I LOVE it all! You are awesome for sharing your experience, love for yarn and your joy! Totally AWESOME! #wishIwasthere

  3. I missed these pics?..wow they are great. Sorry i did not get pics of my car group at SW…GRRRR but strong memories and pic with S.west and Anthony C. I got lol

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