Why I Joined The Consistency Challenge

Challenge is defined as a call to take part in a contest or competition, especially a duel. No I am not dueling with anyone. LOL! If you have been with me for a while, you will remember this is how I got started on YouTube. I had to upload a video every day for 30 days and after the first few days, you couldn’t tell me nothing! LOL

You have done this already GG, why are you doing it again? Is that your question? Well the answer is I NEED to do this challenge because I always seem to fall back into posting every now and then vs. consistently. I mean my last post was more than two weeks ago.

The Consistency Challenge

This challenge is hosted by Mattie James. I have been following her for quite some time and she always gives the best influencer tips. I always take notes and never do anything beyond the taking of the notes. *rolls eyes at me* She is asking that we post a blog post at least once a day, starting today. Whew! what did I do? Hahahahahahaaa

If I am to make my dream (working for myself) a reality, then I need to do the work. That work includes posting on my blog on a regular basis.

Man this is truly a challenge, but I promise if you want me to do something, tell me I can’t do it. Then I need you to move out of my way.

I know anything worth having requires a little bit of work; this is why I joined this challenge. OH and I could win $1000 *insert cheesy grin* Seriously, my following is growing and I need to show up for you guys on a regular basis. Let’s do this!

Now I have a challenge for you. Yes you! Will you come and read my post every day? I will need the moral support. Stay Tuned I have the entire month planned out! Yup I am fancy. See you all tomorrow.

62 thoughts on “Why I Joined The Consistency Challenge”

  1. I’m listening. Look forward to your daily lesson. Always have. Always will.. A little GG gift every day. Love you. Mean it❤🧡❤🧡❤🧡

      1. Here from Mattie’s challenge. I love this. I love that your honest about it being challenging. Girl we’re in this together. It’s challenging, but oh so rewarding.

  2. I always enjoy reading your posts and getting to know you through what you choose to share with us. Even when the topics are hard and uncomfortable, they are also informative and so worth hearing/reading. I’ll be glad to show up every day and read what you have to say.

  3. Definitely! I’m not a YouTube watcher, so I miss out on a lot. I am really looking forward to hearing more from you. Woohoo!

  4. I’m here from Mattie’s challenge! So looking forward to reading more posts and getting to know you better throughout this challenge. And I loved what you said about “showing up” for your readers. That’s a mindset I need to get into instead of feeling obligated to post, I’m grateful to be able to show up for people. Love it!

  5. I love your posts Auntie GG! I look forward to reading them…plus, I need consistency in my life too. This will be good motivation.

  6. I’m in. I put it on my calendar so I won’t miss a day. Congrats on accepting the chanllenge.

  7. Susan Marshall

    I recall that you did a VlogMass this past year and you did very well. It was great to see you and Shelly so personal and up front.i enjoyed the trip to see the light in NYC with your gang. It will be nice to hear your opinions and going ons during the month. You will do fine, I have faith in you. I’m a long time follower and enjoy your views on life.

  8. Yes, I’m reading! Also, what is the knitting in that picture? Sorry if you already said what it was and I missed it. You have a ton of comments today.

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