Frost Yarn is the center piece for this week’s WIP. I was digging through my stash and was like wait a minute…what is this loveliness shoved in this little bag? Huh? What have we here? As I pull the yarn free and remove the tag from the center, I instantly recognize Nicole Frost’s business card. Yippie!! I thought I had used all of my Frost Yarn, so imagine my sheer glee with this discovery.
I have been in love with Frost yarns for a very long time, almost 3 years to be exact. Read this blog post here. Nicole had decided to stop selling yarn and I think this skein is what I was able to grab. Check out this blog post to see what I created with that fabulous skien of yarn. Lucky for fiber lovers throughout the world..she is dying, spinning and selling again!

This week’s WIP
As you all know, I have been on a Shawl kick as of late. I made a few bottom up, the last 2 were asymmetrical and this time I am doing sideways. Yes I sideways shawl in garter stitch for now, who knows I may through a little lace or something in there.
The sideways shawls works up from side to side. You start with like 3 stitches and increase every other row. When you get to the depth that you want, you decrease until you are back to 3 stitches and bind off. This is a very simple shawl that generates a lovely end product.
Quite a few of you have asked me for easy shawls to make and sideways definitely fits the requirements. This shawl can be jazzed up by simply changing up your stitches. The perfect book for that is this one here, click the picture for details.
So if you don’t have a WIP, try a shawl. Hey, if you are lucky enough to win the giveaway, you will have the yarn you need. What giveaway GG? This one
You know the drill, let me see your WIP. If you are on Facebook post a picture below this post or tell me in the comments below what you are working on.
Knitting on my fiber friends…knit on