Work in progress Wednesday is the maker’s show and tell. Every week we show what is on our needles/hooks. I am STILL knitting the same sweater *rolls eyes* so the work I am doing is on me.
I am my own forever project and I need to put me down for a minute. My hands are tired of holding me up for everyone else. I must take time for me before I get sick. The project I need to continuously work on is me. I have not felt right for quite some time. The world is stressing me all the way out!
In March I said I was knitting my way through Covid-19. I have often shared how my knitting has been my out, my happy place. Normally, I knit every day God sends. Knitting is usually effortless for me, but now it’s work, a chore.
This sweater will go down in history as the longest time spent knitting a sweater. I am working on Weekend at the Coast by Maria Greene. This yarn is delicious, but I just..sigh. I will get back on track, make progress. A little time for me should do the trick.
How much longer must I live in a world that thinks less of me because of my skin color. I am so sure nobody imagined living through a pandemic, it’s 2020!! For the first time ever, I had to shut down and unplug from the world. It’s too much, the social unrest and the virus.

What are you working on besides your crafting projects?
You really do show up for everyone else, and I hope you get time to just breathe. These are scary times. 💜
They are indeed! Thanks for reading
As I read your posts every day, I take time to send healing thoughts to you, to the Black people I know, and to the ones I don’t know – and to all who are struggling through these times. I remind myself that I am privileged to be able to stay home, and must use this time to do what I can remotely, and to learn and grow. I appreciate all the opportunities you give us to do better, and I am grateful to know you. Virtually, but you feel like family, and I cherish that.
Hugs Thank you 🤗
I feel you GG, I too use my knitting as a way to escape. I love knitting shawls. So I’ve been very busy knitting prayers shawls and gifting them. With all the unrest it’s been a task to stay focus. My prayer is that God’s love and grace will reign. Hang in there , be safe and God Bless.
Yes 🙏🏾
We are working on mental health here in our family. My 21-year-old daughter is on the autism spectrum, with depression and anxiety. Things have been pretty rough for the last couple of months. She was heading on a good path, had found some good health care, but this isolation has really affected her, and the rest of us who live on our house. We are all exhausted. I am sending virtual hugs to you…
Sending prayers your way 🙏🏾
Sending you love. Unplugging is necessary sometimes. Wishing you the best thru this rollercoaster.
Thank you 🤗
Your posts on standing in the gap made me realize that by not confronting racism I was silently promoting it. It’s not enough to BE anti-racist; we have to call it out when we see it and let it be known it is unacceptable.
You made me uncomfortable and that was exactly what I needed. I read, I researched, I listened and I finally HEARD. I am no longer silent. I am now standing in the gap.
Thank you.I
And in answer to your question, when I can’t knit or crochet, I hike. I get outside and move. It clears the cobwebs.
Yes I’ve been taking Gunner on longer walks
Take all the time you need. We’ll be right here whenever you need us. I have also found knitting to be more chore than joy lately. A lovely gray cardigan sits in a bag next to my chair, whimpering softly, while I churn out mindless hats night after night. No more daytime knitting. Certainly no public knitting. Instead, I’m sewing masks. All day. Every day. Somehow, they are saving me. GG, I would love to send you one if I may. I have one juicy orange Kaffe Fasset floral left that I think is just your kind of masked magic. Please send me your address if that feels ok to you. 🧡
Thank you I will send my info
Hi GG – please do take care of yourself first … for yourself and your beautiful daughter who needs you. I’ve been working on learning since the first wave last Jan, and I promise I won’t ever stop learning. I’m embarrassed that I wasn’t learning before the first wave, but I’m here now. I’m standing in the gap until I can’t stand (or be pushed in a wheelchair or whatever!) anymore. Thank you!
Thank you 🤗
I am so pleased that you started writing every day, in spite of how hard that is. You inspire me to work harder on knitting and life.
Do you feel that we are on the verge of a cultural revolution? I hope we are.
And thank you for yesterday’s post. I visited woolandthegang because of your beautiful saweater.
I pray there is one! We need change
Dear, dear GG:
Yes, rest a while and breathe deeply, but then carry on becoming your full self. We will need to be strong as witnesses to the “after times.”
What are we doing besides crafting? I’m reading. Seeking the company of great souls like James Baldwin [I’ve ordered a copy of “Begin Again: James Baldwin’s America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own” and plan to re-read all those writings that so moved me during the 1960s.] Exploring music. Finding beauty and restorative energy there. Using my enforced solitude to review and renew my life path.
It’s strange to find myself self-quarantined and isolated from my family and friends now [except for FaceTime], at the age of 79. But it helps me focus, facing and living in the moment. When we find ourselves in the middle of the woods, we have to keep moving on because it’s the same distance forward into an unknown future as it would be to go back to the way we once thought things were. Courage, girl!
Love, Refugio
Thank you for reading and commenting! Yes I’ve started reading again
Hi GG. You’ve often inspired me with your awesome attitude and gorgeous, juicy knits. I have appreciated you since I first started reading your blog. I know there are a lot of people who feel the same way. You’ve also been one of the people who has energized me to speak up against racism, and taught me that silence is complicity. Through your example (and others too), I found my voice. That is a lot of work that you’ve done for others! You deserve a break, and a chance to seek out people and things that inspire you. Replenish yourself. Take a nap even. The awesome thing about knitting (well, one of the awesome things) is that it’s not going anywhere. It will be there when you’re ready for it.
I’m working on learning how to talk to people I don’t agree with in a way that is helpful and builds bridges. This is very difficult work for me- my tendency is to shut down because it seems pointless when people are so entrenched in their point of view. But I feel deeply that this is the only way to transform our country into a place that is safe and welcoming for everyone. We are so fractured and it’s easy to think that what little I can do won’t make a difference, so why bother. I’m fighting my own negative thinking as well.
Please accept my gratitude for the honest way you’ve shared your pain, rage and recovery. And your call to stand in the gap. It has impacted me, and made me feel like my actions and my voice do matter. ❤️❤️❤️
Aww thank you so much for this message 🤗 keep at it
Sending love to you and hope love can bolster you. ❤️
It always does
I think a lot of people are feeling the stress of current times, even here in NZ where things are currently quiet. I’m knitting for my son who needs a woolly hat, but I’m also playing games on the Xbox and spinning yarn for the zen from that. There has also been some time spent watching the Avengers series and ignoring the housework.
Lol ignoring house work is my fav
When everything is overwhelming, we do need to just back off and shut down – whatever that means to each of us – for awhile, to rest and recharge. Take all the time you need to recharge. You know we’ll be here for you.
Thank you Terry 🤗
I appreciate reading your words and found your blog via IG. I have been contemplating signing off for a while but haven’t done it yet. As of right now, with kids at home, it’s my lifeline to adult conversation. (Not that I don’t talk to my husband.. but it’s not the same as chatting with friends.) I hope you can get some much-needed rest so you stay healthy in all areas of your life.
I’m working on knitting slippers for my husband. They’re not hard, but I just can’t get into it right now. I’m also trying to sew reusable pads. Super glamorous. {Shrug.}
Sewing is such a talent to me. Bravo 👏🏾
And I am in awe of your knitting! I aspire to your level or talent. <3
Take the time and rest. Come back when you’re ready. 🙂
Sending you all the love and support that my brain can beam your way.
You bring so much to my world, to so many people. Please take care of yourself in whatever way you are able to refill yourself.
Thank you 🤗