I am so sure you read this title and was like wait what? 👀 ha I made you look 😆
The yarn
The fact that I need therapy, devine intervention even is neither here nor there. Wait, what’s does that really mean? Why is that something one says? Anyway I have a yarn addiction we know THAT!
Stevie Wonder
Another addiction of mine is music. Every Tuesday like clockwork I was in Bestbuy to check out what was new. I am the same with concerts, when my favorites are performing I must go. So one day in class we were talking favorite concerts and I say Mr Wonder was on my Concert Bucket list. Well you know my students surprised me with VIP tickets to the Show in Philly😊
If you are a fan and get a chance, GO! Songs in the Key of Life was my first album and so yea what an ahhhhmazing experience. I will never be able to thank them properly
The point
Soooo after the ugly tears from the music lover, the yarnho took over. I mean The concert was in Philly AND Loopyarn is in Philly sooooo 🏃🏃🏃 yea I had to go! I mean I order from them ALL the time, so I’m in town why not drop in right? Right 😍
The store
There’s something almost spiritual that happens when I visit a yarn store. First I have to take in the view from outside
Window dressings tells a story and they had a poncho in the window 😍 they were already winning and I hadn’t even opened the door yet.
Then of course I go inside and I like a nice friendly staff ✔️ a variety of yarn weight, types and colors ✔️✔️✔️ and nice samples to get my fingers tingling. Well fiber lovers near and far, Loop Yarn nailed it! If you are in or near Philly and you love yarn, GO! In the meantime, come on inside with me
I was so happy and not sure where to look first
And I am absolutely going back! They are having a class with the only and only Mr West! Yes sir!!! Wait here is more and you know I got my Madeline Tosh Home, yes I did! 😉
A review of my purchases will come in another post. Do you have a yarn shop bucket list?
Knit on my fiber friends, knit on…
You made me whimper with your pics! I must explore farther for my own LYS!
LOL at “whimper” yes find a local yarn store…fast!