On the weekend I ask 10 questions on my Facebook page. I am not sure if all of you are on the fan page so I decided to bring it here. Leave your answers in the comments and I will respond below in bold 🙂
- Is there a craft you would like to learn? If yes what is it?

- Fill in the blank, I am a _______ knitter
- Coffee or Tea?
- Yarn bowl, do you own one?
- Do you give yourself a time limit when you craft or just go until you are tired?
- Do you remember the first pattern book you purchased?
- Am I the only one that buys a pattern book then makes none of the patterns?
- Housework then knit or knit and then whatever?
- If you were tasked with purchasing yarn for me, besides it being orange, what other characteristics would you consider?
- How long have you been following the blog?
My answers to the questions
- Not really I have an obsessive personality, so no. LOL
- I am an obsessive knitter, but you knew that
- Coffee or tea? Tea all the way for me in one of my favorite cups
- I have many yarn bowls, the question is do they have yarn in them? *blank stare*
- Ha time limit, what is that? If I don’t knit all hell will break loose so let me knit
- Man I think it was a Vogue Knitting book..I mean it looks good on my shelf, it really does
- Oh I shouldn’t be able to buy anymore books until I make at least one thing from the books I have
- hahahahahahah what is house work?
- well I am tasked with buying yarn for me but I am curious to see what you all would say
- this question just gives me an opportunity to thank you all for reading and responding! have a great weekend!
Knit on my fiber friends…knit on
1. Sticking with trying to be a knitter. Used to do beadwork….may incorporate it in the knitting if I ever get good.
2. Even though it’s over 6 yrs, this year has been the first yr i have made progress, so I’ll say a “newish” knitter.
3. Tea, but I like the smell of coffee.
4. No, but one of those plastic canister things.
5. Not really….im still trying to find consistent time to just knit in general.
6. Nope, I ordered multiple ones at one time.
7. Still haven’t made anything from any of them, but I am determined to make onevpattern from each book.
8. More like everything else, then knit on most days…but some days knitting gets to take precedence.
9. I think you’re into “thick and thin” yarns now, so a luxe thick and thin uarn
10. A year or less. Very happy to have found it!
I am happy you are here as well! Great answers, I am so intimidated by beadwork!
1) Wire-wrapped jewelry and double-knitting.
2) I am a Test/Store Sample knitter.
3) Iced green tea all the way!
4) I do not own a yarn bowl, I use project bags.
5) I just put in as much time as possible on a daily basis. It is unfortunate that my “day job” takes up so much of my time. ; )
6) Heck no. I have been knitting 40+ years, but who is counting?!?
7) I have gotten picky over the years and will not buy a pattern book unless I am going to make at least one of the patterns and, even then I cheap out and try to find it as a single on Ravelry. With that being said, I have a whole room filled with pattern books and my Ravelry Library that I haven’t knitted, waiting for some day.
8) Knit, then whatever.
9) yarn weight and fiber content
10) I have been following your blog since I met you in Tampa last year. : )
Ahhh my Tampa family!! HI!! yes I so understand that someday thing! Thanks for responding and tell everyone I said hello!
1. Pottery
2. Product
3. Yes
4. No yarn bowl. I like the idea, but in this house it probably wouldn’t last long.
5. I’m usually up til 11:30pm knitting (later if I really want/need to finish something), as it tend to be the only real knitting time I get.
6. My first were Patons Tweed and Rowan Donati.
7. I’ve made one item from each of the above books andnine from another. So I would say, Yes. I tend to forget they’re there and seem to focus on whats in my Rav queue.
8. If I can get away with it, knit and then whatever. But I do try to do a little something just incase I get an unexpected visitor.
9. Fibre content and what items you like to knit.
10. I’ve only just discovered it. Great idea to have these questions.
Number 3 should say tea
lol I figured that! Thanks for participating
Hey there! Welcome and make sure you come back! I enjoyed your responses, thanks for participating
1, I’d like to make a quilt someday.
2. I am an indecisive knitter.
3. Tea!
4. I have one yarn bowl, and I’m not sure what’s in it right now.
5. No knitting time limit here.
6. The first yarn book I purchased was “Knitting Socks” by Ann Budd.
7. Ha! I have a ton of yarn books that I haven’t knit any of the patterns…..yet. Someday!
8. Knitting always comes first!
9. Definitely bulky or chunky yarn for you!
10. I’ve been following your blog for a few months now.
Hi Kathleen and welcome! I love the Someday answer in reference to the pattern books.
1) Weaving
2)Still learning knitter…even though I have been knitting for 35 years!!)
3) both coffee & tea
4) Anything my yarn will fit in is my yarn bowl….old punch bowl, fruit bowl, popcorn bucket, etc.
5) what is this time limit thing you speak of??
6) A book about knitting baby blankets
7)Aren’t books terribly decorative??
8) Housework???? I do not allow such negativity in my life!!
9) Super bulky or something with some variation to the texture
10) I thought I was following the blog, on FB….until this morning!!!
Lol yes they are terribly decorative 😂😂
Wait the old punch bowl? Hahshaaaa
o Is there a craft you would like to learn? If yes what is it? Quilting (but I don’t have the patience or the room)
o Fill in the blank, I am a sometimey knitter. I have to be in the right mood, and not tired, or I make mistakes
o Coffee or Tea? TEA
o Yarn bowl, do you own one? Not yet; I would LOVE one!
o Do you give yourself a time limit when you craft or just go until you are tired? No time limit
o Do you remember the first pattern book you purchased? No
• Am I the only one that buys a pattern book then makes none of the patterns? I buy pattern books like I buy recipe books, sometimes just to read them and enjoy the pretty pictures
• Housework then knit or knit and then whatever? Depends
• If you were tasked with purchasing yarn for me, besides it being orange, what other characteristics would you consider? Thick-stranded yarn
• How long have you been following the blog? About a year
LOL I love the pretty pictures too! Thanks for playing along!