Saturday is here again, which means it’s time to shine my Spotlight. This Saturday I am introducing Therese Ross Carter and her designs.
1. So Therese I met you because we had 2 things in common, hair and knitting. What I didn’t know is you designed too. How long have you been knitting and who taught you?
I’ve been knitting since about 2004. I had an aunt teach me the basic knit stitch when I was about 9 or 10 but I didn’t stay with it. Then in 2004 there was Knit Out in Union Square and when I went there I thought I landed in Utopia. I knew I was in my element. Anyway, they were giving free knitting lessons and I walked in there with my ball of burnt orange cashmere yarn and a lovely young lady taught me to purl, to increase and decrease, I haven’t taken my hands off the needles since. I also learned from a show called Knitty Gritty, I would record the shows during the week and on Friday nights I would watch the shows and make learning swatches of all the stitches that were on the shows that week. So thats pretty much how I learned to knit.
2. Oh ok, do you crochet as well?
Yes, I am Bi-Stitchual. My great grandmother taught me to crochet when I was about 8 years old
3. Hahahahahahaha I like that Bi-Stitchual! Of the two crafts do you have a favorite and why?
Knitting is probably my favorite because I love the way the stitches look, but crochet is my go to for baby blankets
4. UGH I avoid blankets at all cost, LOL! How did you get into the design side of things?
I actually started designing when I started knitting. I could never follow a pattern to the letter (too boring) so I would add my little flair or take some of their flair out of the pattern.
5. That’s Cool! How long have you been designing? Do you have a favorite piece?
I started “seriously” designing in 2013. My favorite piece is When the Cowl’d Wind Blows.

6. I like the Two Step, I am adding to my favorites now:) Which pattern is your best seller?
My bestselling pattern is Who’s Cowl’d.

7. Very nice, So where can my followers find you in these internet streets?
I am on Ravelry and Instagram as ForMyKnittas
Thank you for taking the time to sit and talk with me for the Saturday Spotlight. Ok family which is your favorite?
Knit on my fiber friends…knit on
Very inspiring! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for reading!