In crafting, knitting, crocheting or whatever, are you loyal? Do you commit to the project or do you have a roving eye? Are you a ProjectHo?
I promise you guys when I grow up in knitting I should be able to have multiple Wips. On Wednesday when you all post the multiple projects you are currently working on, my head aches.
I mean yes I am a YarnHo, that I confessed. But I can’t do the side thing! Hahahahahahaaa. If I stop working on a project odds are I won’t go back. For example, last year Sonder Yarns was kind enough to gift me some sock yarn, in the most perfect shade of orange..ever!
I started the Easy Lace Knitted Wrap and stopped. The issue now is do I continue or frog it and make me some orange socks? 👀😂
Well in the meantime I will go back to my Secret Love Shawl, that has a mistake in it again 🙄 but I’m gonna keep going. If I take it out again, it’s over and done.
Can we talk about this? Are you monogamous or you just all over the place? Lol and if you are not loyal, how do you decide what to work on when?
Right now I have one sock almost finished, and the cuff almost done on the first sock from another pair, but I can’t alternate between projects very well. Particularly socks, which is what I knit mostly, if I don’t get right back and cast on the second one, I’m sunk. I’m not that good or fast a knitter to be able to have multiple projects going.
Hey Terry! We are in the same boat..I promise my mind just doesn’t work like that. Thanks for responding! You rock!
I must have something akin to ADD when it comes to fiber in general. I currently have 1 knitting project on needles, 1 sewing project on the cutting board and an embroidery project. I won’t start anything else until one of these is finished. Well, maybe a dishcloth, I make one a week so that I have a stack to gift at Christmas/Hanukkah. In my defense, the knitting project is a cabled afghan and it’s just too hot to have it across my lap. I have a gift card from my daughter to a lys that calling my name. So, I need to get crackin’ at the sewing machine so that I can go to the yarn store!
I am monogamous with knitting projects and painting canvases and writing. I only work on one at a time so that I devote all of my concentration and passion to the one project. If I divide my time, I cheat both. That was something that I learned from the artist, Melvin King. He said if you try to work on more than one canvas at a time you take away from each and do a disservice to both. In the end neither of them get your best. I have lived by those words and apply them to most things that I do.
Wow! I like that advice, thanks for sharing
I only do that will things I make for myself. Orders I get out on a timely manner. Now I do have a teddy bear I started in December that needs a face. I’ll get to it, I promise.
Hey Gg,
I am a complex PROJECT HO! I got so many projects working at one time that I am a mess! I get bored too easily! I got a pair of WATG sandals I didn’t complete at all from LAST year, a WATG dirty denim sweater still in pieces, a baby blanket for a ‘baby’ that I started when the mother was 7 months pregnant. How old is that baby now? He turned 2 in MAY!!! I am a HOT MESS EXPRESS. It’s probably 2 or 3 more projects I didn’t even list at all! Lol. I need to get my lyfe, GG. By the end of July/ August , I plan to start finishing all these WIPs cus my project pile looks overwhelmingly dangerous!!! I didn’t even talk about the sewing WIPs!!!
Hannah, Hannah….Hannah! Thank you for sharing your WIP situation. This is exactly why I am afraid of multiple WIPS. I would never EVER finish anything! I am laughing but with you..the baby is 2? hahahahahaaaa
Don’t feel guilty. I’m like that, too.
Thank You 😊
GG!! Congrats on the publication, well deserving. I am not a knitter or yarnho but can say I am a bead ho. lol As for projects I may have a few going on at a time. When putting things together I like to add pieces take a way, change a shape or color. So befoe finalizing I let sit for some time and while this is going on I work on doing something else.
Thank you! I am excited and hahahahahaha a BeadHo?
I am definitely an all over the place crafter. I really try hard to be monogamous but it doesn’t seem to work. Right now I have a shawl, and 2 sweaters on my hook, and I am itching to start another. I get bored easily and I need to have different stitches and colors to change things up and keep me interested.
I promise I would NEVER ever finish anything if I did that! You rock!
I love my multiple WIPs! I like to have 3-6 projects going at once, in different yarns with different difficulty. A charted lace when I can sit and concentrate. A simple garter or stockinette in a large gauge to knit while binge watching my latest series. A small project in my tote for anywhere knitting.
Kathy you are amazing! I will be like you when I grow up, because this brain that I own..won’t let me do that! NOPE!
At first I was super monogamous with knitting projects but lately, I’ve started a couple side pieces. It’s exhilarating! 🙂
lol I can feel it in your choice of words
I have a main project that I’m slogging through, and in the meantime, all the little side projects keep me motivated. I used to be what I call a “linear” knitter (or crocheter), but some of these projects can be tedious. 52″ of stockinette stitch tedious, if you know what I mean. So while my summer tank top will probably be completed in September – still hot enough! – I will have a whole bunch of other projects under my belt! LOL!
I hear you, clearly the problem is me! I just can’t do that, something will get left behind. Thanks for sharing 😘
Knitting ADD HERE gig time, but not indiscriminate. I usually have 4,5 yhings working at once. They serve different purposes. Some incredibly easy and mindless. Some that require sttention,and some that are just easy repeats. Wherever my heads,at that’s what I knit. There are rules though. No more,than 6 at a time.if I want to cast on another I must complete one. We all need rules dometimes
That is what most folks say..they have whips for different reasons