How to Knit S1, K1, YO, PSSO


If you are following me, you know I have been learning to knit shawls. I have found there are so many different ways to make a shawl. You can knit bottom up, side to side or on the bias; to name a few.

My favorite has been the easiest shawl ever, which is from the bottom up,  check out the video here. Well since I have been trying not to knit, I have been doing research. I found this not pattern called Textured Shawl Recipe and I decided to give it a try.

I found some orange yarn, shocking I know, and decided to get started. The recipe has a textured section, that I couldn’t see in my head. The recipe said to slip one stitch (I can do that) knit one stitch, yarn over and then pass slipped stitch over. Of course I did what I thought that meant, and uh nope. I went to YouTube and found variations but not that exact stitch. 🙁 This made me go back and read the recipe again. I promise you I read the beginning and the end, usually, well did I do that this time? Of course I didn’t, because had I read pass the yarn over both the knitted stitch and the yarn over. I wouldn’t have been so confused. Duh!

I figured it out but I still felt like someone else may want to see what that looks like


How to knit Textured Shawl
The Stitch


I recorded a little tutorial showing me as I knit the textured stitch. Now what I don’t know is if this stitch has a name. I need to look in the books I have. I’ll get back to you all, in the meantime check out the video.

Feel free to share with your friends.

Knit on my fiber friends….knit on


11 thoughts on “How to Knit S1, K1, YO, PSSO”

  1. Good morning,
    I know that you’re still awake knitting. 😀 I just wanted to stop by and say good morning. I’ll be up til “dawn” because I am drinking coffee, alternating between knitting and crocheting. Oh, and shopping. Lord help me! Lol! I saw your scope. 👏👏👏 I loved it! Have a wonderful day and weekend, GG! ❤

  2. Hey GG,
    Thanks for the tutorial. This ‘recipe’ produces a cool stitch that I need to try! I’m currently wrapping up my winter knits with finishing the WATG Get Around Jumper
    ( also a cool stitch I’ve never tried- the double wrap) and Cross Country Coat ( my second one) before doing getting into my summer projects. I may even do another Fearless cardi ( since the weather’s cold this week). I do, however, want to try this new stitch! Thanks for the video.

  3. I too am visual. Thank you for taking the time to make the video. After watching you and listening to your explanation I can “see” it really is very simple and easy.

  4. So much easier to see it done in person! I’ve done an iPad case with a similar stitch but I can’t remember what its called. This would look great on a hat though! Thanks for sharing 🙂

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